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Re: Why did I have a seizure when trying to take Paragone by UserX ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   8/10/2014 9:44:08 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   2,384

"But from your observations, if it's everywhere... then anyone who leaves their house would have to be a carrier at least."

Everyplace I've looked has shown both components present in numbers and concentrations impossible not to come into actual physical contact with.
Homes. Restaurants. Stores.
The complete gamut.

Took a trip halfway across the country.
Both components were everywhere.

10 months of knowing, now, that I have a problem.
I did not want to be an infector.
No need to worry on that count.
Everybody I see is exposed to both components on a daily basis.

What a bizarre, "new reality."
It appears somewhere someone really screwed up and has effected a permanent change.

If people are not suffering it is likely better they not know about it.
I can understand, kinda' sorta', that tack on the problem.

The people who do exhibit blatant symptoms are left to twist in the wind on their own.
That is horrendous.
Maybe nothing much can really be done for such.
I wouldn't know.
I doubt I'll ever be free from it.
It is to management, not eradication, that I now direct what efforts I am able to muster.

I'd like to be wrong on this.
There is always the possibility that I am.

I put that last in there as a, "safety valve."
Readers can always view what I communicate as coming from a misguided sincere soul not equipped to understand, have a remotely accurate inkling of, what he is looking at.
It might have some psychological value, serving as a deflection, as an escape mechanism.

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