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DIY Tooth Infection Successful Cure Tesimonial by Autodete ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   8/5/2014 2:55:41 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   2,216

my testemonial in hope and wish to help
others to find an alternative and efficient DIY cure for their teeth infections

First of all, I would like to big-thank you guys, at this forum, because your testimonials, your research and discussions, your open sharing of your pain and the reasons that forced you to search for the alternative road for the cure of your teeth, has given me the courage to try and do the same!

Let me start by saying that I haven´t probably met a person that had such a worry for her/his teeth ( fear they look ugly, they can easily decay, and the worst of all lose them!) like myself. Health wise, aesthetics-wise, guess also existentially, teeth have always been a BIG issue and a struggle to wage more or less, continuously.

Last year, some time in May-June, I had a bad infection on 2 teeth (already under a bridge) in my lower left jaw. I had to go to the first aid, I had to find a dentist (I was staying abroad), had to think how I was going to pay the bill and, generally, how it will all end up. In the end, the worst happened, I had to have the bridge with both teeth pulled out. Apart from being painful, I had to accept that I would not have teeth there any more and will not be able to eat on that side of my jaw for many a day, if ever again...of course, until I would decide to make the implants....

OK...that was last year. However, the main story starts here, this year (2014), in April. The teeth in my upper right jaw started behaving strangely and in a few days after, I had to go to the dentist. I have to admit that I felt “something” there several months before, and I did visit my dentist at home, we made the x-rays, and he said my teeth had not been in such a good shape ever (despite the fact I had that bridge pulled out!). I was very happy about it, of course!

So, what was it going on now, why did my teeth start hurting again, at the same place, just a month or so my last visit??

Again, I found myself in another country (Poland, where I am actually writing from), without any insurance (anyway I have not insurance that would cover dental cure anyway!), plus with some difficulties in language communication that sprung up at the very session with the specialist doctor(ess) for canal treatments.

However, this much I could gather alright, that she, while reading my x-ray, wanted immediately to sit me on the repair-chair, showing an open disinterest in hearing my dental “history”. She simply wanted me to sit down, start her laser dental cure of my already cured and devitalized teeth (by the way), that were also under the crowns. I protested kindly and said I would need to know how long the curing process will last, what it comprises, how much it cost, how many teeth are affected by infection, basically, I needed a clear idea of the curing process and program, the costs and the prospect of the outcome, in order to be able to make my plans and decide what, how and when to do. The doctor(ess) became very impatient, the language problems rapidly worsened and just thanks to a couple of colleagues of hers we managed somehow to get to the point. She even managed to reproach me that I wasted her 2h of work (which of course have costs), which was not my fault at the first place, but her assistant´s who gave me the appointment and made the decision by herself.

I was deeply disturbed by her behaviour both as a doctor and as a person, especially because I was a foreigner who obviously could not understand how things work in the place, and because anyway I was hearing the bad news about having an infection on almost 4 last teeth in my upper right jaw, and that despite the laser-cure the successful outcome could not be guaranteed, which translated in simple words meant, that in the end I would have only one option left: pulling out of my teeth!!!

Morover, I was obviously going to pay for all the future work, but without healing guarantees, as everything would depend on my body-system!!! The catch 22 situation fell on me like a stone and I got a bit depressed about it all right after my visit. Actually I got pretty much depressed, if not desperate and not knowing what to do. I won´t hide, my financial situation at the time would not anyway let me even think of a full curing process...

My husband was going through all this with me. He suggested I should try and search for the alternative cure, learn as much as I can about the real causes of teeth decay and infection...of the why-s and how-s and the alternative way out of this mess, maybe even for good... (hey I how long one should wait until one starts learning seriously about oneself!!!???). I started searching through internet forums the advice from people who faced the same or similar experience. Get informed, informed,informed and create my own picture of the situation....

I remember, while being in that “I-don´t- really-know-what-to-do” state of dejected confusion, that suddenly I straightened up and said aloud “I am a healthy person, I have no health problems whatsoever, I´m a mountaineer, I eat healthily and in the past months I have lived in the countryside, so I am sure that my body would be able/would have enough strength and capacity to fight this infection by itself.... I just need to help it... to make it work in that direction...”

Here I need to mention first that, a few months before the infection happened and I felt some disturbance, a sort of pain, in that same area/teeth, and after the brief application of a 100% natural/herbal product for gums (“Mucosit” – made in Poland), paracetamol ( 2- 4 tablets a day) and drinking MSM – organic sulphur ( which I just started taking it at that time), the pain stopped in one week and never came back. (I already mentioned that I had a check up with my dentist and that he was super happy with the situation)...

Therefore, while I was getting informed on the alternative cure for my infection, as well as what was causing it, what kind of bacteria were at work and how they actually provoke infections, I decided already about the first steps that I was going to make. I need to stress that I DID NOT TAKE ANY Antibiotics , that was really important, in order not to “blur” the situation and prevent me from having the realistic picture of what was going on. The goal was to learn, to do my steps and to monitor. An on-going process with total concentration on the decision taken : I will self cure (save) my teeth....

The steps I immediately made were:

1. Raise the dose of MSM (organic sulphur) in water solution, from twice a day/half tea-spoon to 3 times/day 1 tea-spoon.

2. Brush my teeth after each meal ( I was already using fluoride-free, natural tooth-pace for 1 year) very carefully, not avoiding, but carefully including the painful and infected teeth zone (which by the way had already started the abscess in the upper part and started swelling, being heavily red-sore). I also, decided to start applying MSM directly to my gums with the tooth brush, as MSM has strong anti-inflammatory properties as well. First, I exaggerated a bit the quantity and the brushing force on the gums, so that kicked me back with more pain and strange sensations, so I decided to rub only some of it, very slowly with my fingers. Later on I would continue, brushing the infected teeth with MSM after the normal tooth-brushing, at least once a day.

3. After each brushing, I was applying “Mucosit” the “miracle” herbal paste for gums, with amazing effects for such an amazingly inexpensive price (2,5 € ) for a tube of 15gr that lasts at least 20 days! MUCOSIT (Please search Polish Mucosit producer HERBALPOL and then press EN for English from the website! , as I am not allowed to include the web-link here yet)
The idea of curing teeth by cleaning, disinfecting and rubbing the gums at the first place and bringing in the good substances (such as MSM and Mucosit´s herbs) upon the infected teeth/pulp through blood (although dead nerve teeth, but the pulp is still there and the blood comes into it, and that is where the infection is!) was my initial curing idea.

4. I took elevated dose of paracetamol (absolutely NOT the ASPIRIN), 2 tablets (of 500gr) / twice a day, with 8 hours time span.

5. I took natural “antibiotic” and “antibacterial” cure in the form of PROPOLIS tincture. Mine was 15-20% alcohol solution, made by the local bee-keeper (in Poland), which was a lucky strike, because the solution (I bought 500ml bottle!) was ready the day before my teeth started aching!!!! So I had plenty of Propolis tincture and did not have to worry about how much I can use it. In a small quantity of warm water (1 dl or so, one little brandy glass) 30-40 drops of 15-20%alcohol solution of PROPOLIS, 3 times a day, flushing the hurting/infected teeth area and swallowing (the Polish bee-keeper gave me cheers for Propolis, as a tasty and super-healthy shot to start the day!!!;-) :-) Nazdrowije!! )

I started paying a new kind of attention to my teeth... I was thinking of them constantly, monitoring them like babies....Of course I had other things to do, plenty of work, but I had to give time and my concentration to the hurting, infected teeth as much as I could ... I noticed that green-tea, that I drink twice a day after lunch and dinner, does them good. Absolutely NOT HOT, but lukewarm tea. While I was drinking, I was visualizing how happy the teeth were to have the green-tea around them, so I would let the tea repose on them for a while and then swallow. The infected teeth, also appreciated this feel of lukewarm, and pure tea very much... I read then, that GREEN TEA actually has great effect on teeth with its anti-oxidant properties.

Now I like drinking coffee too, and although I can renounce it at times, I feel it´s a drink that fits me and gives me always some good boost. I don´t like to be dependent on anything, but coffee is the closest I get to any dependence, it would be a bit hard to get completely rid of it. I almost never drink more than 2 cups a day. I wondered if I should renounce coffee, if it hurts to drink with the infection....

All this to say that gradually I started researching what does “good” to my aching teeth and what does them “bad”... I felt I cannot just apply the curative substances, but I have to help the teeth with taking care of what I drink or eat ...

There were 3 enlightening (later another one) moments that sealed my decision to persist with DIY curing of my teeth until complete healing and gave me courage, knowledge and conviction that I can do it.

First: I understood by reading through WIKIPEDIA which bacteria is the main “enemy” and cause of our teeth decay : STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS (Please look at WIKIPEDIA about Streptococcus Mutants). There are many others in our mouth, but this one is the most aggressive and successful in “settling down” on out teeth, forming colonies by the help of the sticky TAR they can produce from the LACTIC ACID they are able to process out from the food we eat, at the first place sugars, dairy products, white flour, meat, etc. etc.. and then carve their way deeper and deeper into the tooth... Once I assimilated this novelty about the Mutans, it was clear that I have to act and fight back! If not kill ´em all (as it seems they are meant to be resident in our mouth anyway), but block, revert, prevent, or whatever you name it, its harming action upon my teeth...prevent them and other bacteria to degenerate my teeth tissues....In one word to be STRONGER and more INTELLIGENT than Streptococcus, eh?! Hard job for a man! So I read and believed thoroughly the above link article.... Please do have a read yourselves, it is enlightening!

Second: "Cure Tooth Decay" by Ramiel Nagel, the book I found on the net (check it!). I have not read this book, but when I read his testimonial and the fact that by the sole change (radical) of the diet he managed to cure his little girl´s teeth, I knew I was on the road of a bigger change... ! I had a confirmation for my own conclusions, that I need to HELP my BODY cure itself, that is the teeth infection; that my own body can and want to do it, it just needs my cooperation, in respect of sort of food and drink I take in.... I took a few tips that he included on his web-link and from decided to start from there, throwing out some food I was eating regularly and keep on searching on, by always MONITORING the process on my teeth through the look and feel, how the change in food is affecting them. I started a new communication with my teeth.

I immediately decided I cannot eat white flour anymore, so the first “bad” out! I already did not eat any Sugar for more than a year, so that was easy (Streptococcus Mutans´ favourites!).
I will not go into details regarding the food now (although this is the MOST IMPORTANT part) because I will keep it, as a CROWN in the end! However, I was on the track, although I thought I was a “healthy eater” I just did not know what that meant...

Third: Last but not least and in some way, the most important moment, was when I bumped into this forum. There the decision to go DIY path was sealed. Although I started the process of self-cure and already was making pretty good progress in just a few days (the infection still of course hurting), my decision was still such as could be shaken by a small doubt, I could feel it. The thought of taking the Antibiotics was still hovering around my mind... I was feeling very lonely in this process and broken, as the only other alternative was going back and was face the dentist again, the same old story, and maybe the disastrous end, I don´t know...I just could not go back to them, I was so disappointed, I felt they keep me in their hands while thinking only on money, I just could not let this happen,it was against all I believe in.... I almost felt I would rather lose my teeth and make everything worse by myself, by my own conscious fault, but not let these guys “sell me stories” anymore....

So I started looking for some similar experiences shared on the internet...and I bumped into your forum, your testimonials.... I found out that most of them come from the States....and there were so many information, so many sincere and already knowledgeable words.... words that made sense, giving good advice, helping me reason, helping each other reason... people in the same situation, people that took up their human dignity into their hands and said we can make it, we can learn, we can understand what is going on with us....and how to resolve it...and encourage each other.... it all sounded healthy, with strength, with wish, almost professional, directing me to act properly.... Besides, and what touched me most, was reading that those who took part in discussions testified that they could not afford to pay for expensive dental treatments...That touched me most... the “poor” helping “poor”...needy to needy...
And you, unaware, were helping me, I was exactly in the same situation, and so you took care of my case too, by taking your time to share your suffering, your experience, your learning, your success. A guy whose experience made my persistence possible, whose words I kept on remembering in the moments of staggering faith said that for him it took almost one year to fight the infection, that he simply lived with it, took measures he decided to take and let it the end the infection went away. I was amazed, humbled and grateful! And this is happening in the USA!!.... I know from an American friend of mine, that the health system there may be, please don´t get me wrong, cruel in US,...he himself as a young man was refused an operation because he (his family) could not afford to pay he had to go around like a semi-sick person for years... this thing completely influenced his life.... To think that someone is refused the cure is driving me nuts, and my compassion was, while reading your testimonials, all with you... as it was with me, because I found myself in a very similar situation.... I want to thank you again for taking time to share all experiences on this Forum!!!

Once the decision became strong, I became more belligerent in fighting the infection and this is what I next did.

6. I decided to monitor the infection and curing progress by occasionally, practically every 2 weeks, make x-ray check up, learning to read the x-ray image by myself (with the help of internet and the previous experience with the dentists). I found the dental x-ray lab in the small town I am staying in. I could then compare the images taken in different periods and notice the progress. Naturally, the more I was moving on with the cures, the better x-rays looked.
After my third X-ray, a month and ˝ from the beginning of the infection and the healing process, the situation grew better, I would say 30%.

7. While I was brushing my teeth, I started visualising my teeth, in my mind, becoming happy for the given relief, I saw them shiny and healthy feeling better and better. This visualisation was helping me not be angry and nervous, but calm, certain and even amused by what I was doing.

8. I was taking care not to exaggerate in the cure, but do the just measure. As I was applying different remedies it was most of the time in the same order, but if I would choose to change the order, that was not a big deal, either.

9. The big, GREAT PROGRESS came when I read (because I kept on searching what was the main antidote for Streptococcus Mutans) that a natural anti-bacterial substance that can be used to flush teeth does wonders against dental infections and that was TEA-TREE OIL. I found it in a pharmacy and bought it immediately. It seems to be very common nowadays in most countries (although the plant is originally from Australia!), so also in Poland.
Costs next to nothing... 2-3 drops in 2 dl cup of warm water and rinse good WITHOUT SWALLOWING. It can be done also by people without infection as a great substitute for the industrial, chemical teeth-flush products full of harming fluoride!!! It can be done any time during the day, it keeps the mouth fresh and clean, and one can well feel it!

To sum up: TEA-TREE OIL, along with MUCOSIT , PROPOLIS, MSM and NATURAL (FLUORID-FREE TOOTHPASTE), became the fundamental cure for my infection. Yes, and in the first month also PARACETAMOL. Additionally, GREEN-TEA and also APPLES: my teeth LOVED APPLES, even when they were completely infected, I would suck the juice out of the apple with these teeth on purpose! Then.... PARSLEY ROOT. The most inexpensive and forgotten food! Just taking a piece and chewing the parsley root carefully, slowly sucking its tasty juice out with the infected teeth, I would feel how its properties enter healthily, healingly in between my aching teeth, and deeper, in the bloodstream of my inflamed gums... Only after I started doing it, I found out reading that PARSLEY, was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as a sacral herb, in sacral rites (funerals) and later, used also as the very cure for …..TEETH!!! Isn´t it amazing!?


Now I understood that the healing process would take time, but I wished to contribute with my gaining knowledge as much as I could... I already mentioned that I became an “aware” eater. I practically ate no meat , but I ate cheese. I completely dropped out cheese. That was a must and that was the best decision I could ever make. Nothing is so full of other, fake substances like industrial cheese. I am convinced now, seeing how my teeth react, after I had completely dropped CHEESE out from my diet, when I take even a little piece of it (or worse, eat the whole Pizza!) my gums above the infected teeth become immediately inflamed...It´s almost unbelievable!...

Milk, I do not drink it anyways (although I used to and used to like it!). However, I did not drop out a daily cup of yoghurt, which I drink with Flax-seed oil (one spoon) every morning. Yoghurt had no effect on my infected teeth. I ate eggs, but only rarely, recently I stopped eating eggs too. I started eating only whole-grain bread, not wheat, but rye. I ate rye porridge often, I dropped out almost completely rice, I ate buckwheat porridge with vegetables. I changed from white-flour to whole-wheat flour pasta. I ate fish, mackerels from the tin-can (not anymore!). I dropped out – WRONGLY - beans, I simple did not understand that it was alright to eat them... Now they are back ,hugh...! Fruit, vegetables remained, also occasionally peanut-butter.

However, I realized that I was rather improvising, while it became evident that I do not really know what I was doing and did not have a precise guideline in my diet transformation, so I was prompted to learn more about it. I was naturally reasoning within the frames of the traditional metabolism, i.e. “ how many calories a day, proteins, carbohydrates, etc...”, reading diet manuals for sportsmen, especially one excellently written for those practising regularly mountaineering. Nevertheless, it was so hard to follow and remember all these details...
As I said, the type of diet I had already started practising had pretty good effects on my health, as also the blood and urine tests showed: they were perfect.

With the further change of diet, that had to be inevitably introduced because of my infection, me and my husband did not really feel on the known, we both started loosing weight... Around that time, when I bumped into your forum, a post from one member mentioned fasting as a possible cure to the infection. It did make sense to me and got imprinted in my mind. It was logical, when you do not eat, the bacteria do not eat either, everything´s cleaner : peace.
However, you cannot not eat...

Despite the food-technique uncertainty, the nest X-ray came even better, another step in the progress! That confirmed that I was still on the right track, but that I should somehow boost the treatment, only... how?

More cleansing.... reaching deeper to the pulp, closer to the

10. My husband had an idea... He suggested I bought a syringe and fill it with a solution of water and some of my curing substances and then clean with the needle between the teeth, just like a dentist would do when he prepares the teeth for thorough tooth-cleansing.... So, I bought a small syringe with a long needle and filled it simply with tea-tree oil: 1 drop in 1dl warm water and a bit of MSM, to rinse in between teeth after meals, after teeth brushing.... It worked great, it was the right thing to do in the right moment and I believe it helped a lot.


However, the best thing, the real thing came in the end. Finally, I became convinced that the cause as well as the solution for the infection, and the illness in general is NUTRITION. Not only in the healing process of illnesses, but how it can generally influence the transformation of a person´s life!

Please keep in mind, before I tell you what happened , that I had never wanted to become something: a vegetarian or a vegan.... and never had the need to go for a radical change in eating...I never thought food was that important as to pay so much attention to it. However, this change and consequently the solution was given to the right moment in the moment of a great need!!! And in a form of a written word...

I was very unstintingly, by a good friend of mine, given the most amazing book, that completely (it is still a process!) changed my mentality on nutrition and metabolism itself. This book really did that to me, and I guess because it was actually written with this intention: to CHANGE our MENTALITY REGARDING EATING: why, how and what as well as how going without eating/fasting and eating the right thing is the best and the sole way to healing and preventing diseases. This is not the book about how many calories and what proteins or carbohydrates we should take in daily, or weekly,etc... it is much beyond, totally opposite of what we have known and been taught by now... the book that was written in 1905 (now a rarity-book!) by one of the known (now forgotten), at the time, Naturopaths, PROF. ARNOLD EHRET (of German origin, living and working in USA, California beginning of 20th century) called “MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM”. I stress it out that this change is still in the process. However, since the very moment I started reading this book, I could not stop thinking about it. It was almost hard to believe what was written in there, it challenged everything I heard until then, in such a logical, gradual and precise way, that even if I wanted to close my eyes, and I was tempted to do it several times and not even finish the reading of the book, I just could not leave it. I noticed I immediately that I started doing some things according the book, but especially thinking about my situation, seeing it according to the new understanding coming from Prof. Ehret. The same thing, and that was amazing, happened to my friend who gave me the book. She read this book when she was very young and it changed her life, although she never managed to follow it completely ….until recently when in her deepest crisis she went back to it again and started following the “new mentality” about our body and what keeps it fresh and alive and what helps it fight any disease, and what disease, after all is, and how we die...She admitted, and I personally witness it that for her it was a life changing book.
I cannot say this book is a must, it is rather a part of the Story that is a must and that is to know our really know it in order to LIVE it, or better said HAVE IT.

I cannot give you much practical advice regarding the eating according to what I read, as this book does not just give the practical advice what to eat and what not. It needs to be read as a whole, as our body and its functions are to be known as a whole.
I can just tell you as this last one, that I am now regularly, in the new way I think and in the gradual eating practice definitely following this book ( again, which I never planned and had doubts about it in the beginning) and that it gave me the biggest sustain not to give up and persist strongly with my DIY cures... Ii guess it all happened because it is the book that thinks about the being and well-being of humanity that is rapidly getting lost and this book explains why and how this process can be stopped, first in the body, and simultaneously in spirit. "Mens sana in corpore sano", the old Greeks/Romans were already saying, but this is the truth that we, people of the 21st century, still have not experienced, not fully or not at all, except maybe a few... that is SO SAD... But it is never too late until it´s late... so this is also why I wanted to go on with the reading and practicing the advice, and tell you about it , and finally conclude my testimonial with this: MY TEETH INFECTION IS ALMOST GONE! MY TEETH ARE 90% better, the testimonial of my LAST X-RAY of a week ago!!!
Only 3 months from the beginning and 4 teeth infected!!! No medicines, no dentists.
I will go until the end, until the last 10% is cured, I feel I should better do it, it is wiser, I feel responsibility to have a 100% testimonial :-). However, many things have changed, radically, due to this infection. Getting cured and go beyond, through the disease, through an unlucky event, it´s funny how it happens.... but it seems that things do happen this way!
Thank you guys once again for giving me the kick start, I shall always appreciate that! Many happy thoughts and CHEERS to ya all! :-)


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