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Violation of tOS by UserX ..... Christianity Debate

Date:   7/4/2014 8:02:36 PM ( 11 y ago)
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I am Doc10, just returned after an absence. I believe the poster known as Mighty Sun TZU or MST has and will always continue to be abusive towards me. I just wrote my mod but I did that before, she worships as he does so my abuse appears not to matter to her.
Here is his most recent abuse, please read what he said in previous messsages. I will post this at the webmasters forum and his mail.

I expect a resolution. This site is abusing TOS for many posters. I will represent them. A doctor/ yes, what else?

Read and weep:

Doc: "Never mind because you found plenty of churches to try and disrupt.

MST: God forbid that a laodician church be disrupted in its lukewarm ways Doc and have passion for the Lord Jesus prayed into it. In your fleshy confused mind, all you can think is that this would be a disaster.

Doc: Unfortunately for the devil, you probably had no lasting effect.

MST: fortunately for the devil, he has you in his pocket speaking his words. You are acting as his faithful daughter, just as the pharisees were acting as his children. Sadly you appear to be completely blind to which team you are playing for, just as was true of your forefathers.

Doc: Do you remember saying you visited churches finding the pastors to be preaching a doctrine that did not suit you?

MST: I remember saying that he was preaching lukewarm, but the problem with you is that you do not oppose lukewarm preaching since your heart is not aligned with the Lord's and lukewarm preaching suits you just fine.

Doc: People generally go to churches to enjoy a fellowship with other believers and because they find an increased presence of God there.

MST: This happens too, of course, as when i visited bethel church in redding california and other fine philadelphian churches, but for those who truly seek to do the Lord's will as i do, He does also lead us to pray against demonic strongholds in different churches of which there are many. Lukewarmth and spiritual blindness as two very important ones, Spirit quenching, religion of man, control, manipulation, greedy financial prosperity teaching, people pleasing at the expense of God pleasing, idolotry, Mary worship, etc etc. True servants of God will pray against these strongholds when they encounter them, while false servant's of God, like you, will oppose those who do. Lukewarm sinful laodicians like you will just join in and become a part of the sin and think you are "being a good christian" "by being agreeable with the sin and flesh in these laodician churches". It's a further expression of your christian immaturity.

Maybe others in this forum are unable to see that you are living an unrepentant sinful fleshy life, since perhaps they lack true discernment of the Lord, but i am not fooled. maybe they do see your obviously flesh immersed behavior, but don't want to hurt your feelings by allowing the Holy Spirit in them to lead them to speak Spirit and Truth to you and help you to see where you are so that you will hopefully see it for yourself and choose with your God given free will to repent and get right with the Lord. Did you know that Lord Jesus taught repentance or did you somehow miss this part? "Repent [Doc] for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".

Doc: That is being a disrupter. I don't think God told you to do that."

MST: Living as deeply in sin and flesh as you are Doc, you wouldn't know what God said if it hit you in the head like a brick. You are hearing your flesh and the enemy loud and clear and believing it to be God. If you want this to change, repent of your sin and begin living unto the Lord in holiness, abiding in Him as a branch to the Vine, delighting only in His will and His ways. You can't hear God correctly when you are living your life unto the wrong master


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