TOPIC(s): Early Contactees of the 1950s – George Van Tassel – George Adamski – George Hunt Williamson - Valiant Thor (a Venusian) - Frank Chille Brings on Judy Beebe Who Had Met Valiant Thor
TOPIC(s): Story of Valiant Thor at the Pentagon Continues Part3 (as told by Judy Beebe) "The Stranger at the Pentagon" – Device From The Ghost Of Tesla - Battery Output Lab Test Data - pdf - GEM Video
TOPIC(s): Story of Valiant Thor at the Pentagon Continues Part4 (as told by Judy Beebe) "The Stranger at the Pentagon" – Device From The Ghost Of Tesla – GEM Technology – The Hydrogen Cipher Battery Output Lab Test Data - pdf - GEM Video
Side Note:Hour2 mp3 is suddenly cut short - Topic was Nicola Tesla GEM Spheres. Also, the June 25, 2014 radio programs are now missing from the Rense archive... Seems as though Jeff would like to Keep a lid on this stuff and/or to himself... As you can see for yourself: