Re: Candida as an Autoimmune Disease by grizz ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 6/25/2014 4:11:45 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 8,756
Candida is the cause of allergies & asthma.
Doctors want us to believe that we develop allergies over time, and that we will need drugs and treatments to treat them. I fell for this line of BS over the last 30 years. I believed the doctors when they said I needed expensive inhalers to overcome "Allergies" that caused my asthma. They even blamed our dog, saying "Dog Dander" was causing my allergic reaction. We got rid of the dog & guess what? The asthma stayed, even got worse.
It is now CURED with Iodine and nebulized Colloidal Silver . Details here:
No more inhalers, no more tight chest, no more coughing during romance. Candida had invaded my lungs and cased allergic reactions to harmless substances. Allergies are a well documented symptom of Candida: See the Horrible list of Candida symptoms here:
Also see the 5 stages of Candida.
Note the following symptoms:
* Allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that worsen in damp, muggy or moldy places or weather that is damp, muggy, humid or rainy.
* Hay fever and asthma.
Intolerances or allergies to perfumes, odors, fumes, fabric shop odors, grass, cats, dogs or other animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals, smog, molds, dust mites, dust, pollen, and other airborne substances.
* Respiratory - cough, bronchitis or pneumonia, pain or tightness in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma.
* Sinus inflammation, swelling and infections.
How to cure candida tips included:
Job #1 is to boost our immune system as described. It is a waste of time and money to try & treat Candida without boosting the immune system first.
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