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Re: video teaching the golden colloidal silver production, step-by-step by ino ..... Colloidal Silver Forum

Date:   6/19/2014 9:42:45 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   4,475

This may promote a healthy exchange of information.

I can find plenty of articles in the public domain stating 'CS', 'CS preparations', 'CS compounds' etc etc causing Argyria but am unable to find anything relating to 'CS/IS'? Perhaps you could point me in that direction?

Colloidal Silver from my research is metallic particles {and I'm not going into pedantics with what constitutes a particle} which would in all likelihood result from the HVAC process as used by commercial manufacturers, hence 'CS' in this instance would consist of mostly particles, as is boasted about by all and sundry who sell it.

Sited article in Wiki {if Wiki can be a reliable source of information...?} " Colloidal Silver preparations primarily deliver inactive metallic silver, rather than the active microbicidal silver ion.[7]

A Predominantly Ionic silver solution as produced in the home contains vastly more *active ions*, positively electrically charged ions than 'inactive metallic silver', therefore it is unlikely that this form of preparation will cause any undesirable effects due mainly to the minimal number of particles contained within {ignoring particle size also}. Hence being mostly ionic it will pass through the body and be eliminated rather rapidly vastly reducing, if not making it impossible, for any potential for 'side effects' to become evident. Besides which, nobody seems to take into account ammonias and peroxides contained within the body and what effect they may have on the home produced mostly Ionic product?

Everyone may have 'their amount that will cross the skin' but what preparation specifically are we talking about regarding silver preparations, the home made predominantly ionic product? The marketed predominantly Colloidal Silver product? Or the pharmaceutical silver compound preparation?

I am still yet to find any article which specifically references the home produced predominantly ionic silver solution as produced using LVDC as causing any issues?

I must also consider the type and variety of other 'stuff' an individual may be ingesting by way of vitamins, supplements and who knows what else they may be consuming in combination with the 'Colloidal Silver' product? Will this affect the individuals tolerances, and/or compromise the elimination process thus creating a potential 'side effect'? I have found nothing relating to that either?

They say one should be taking Selenium as well, but I have never done so, and I have taken a considerable amount of my product on occasion. To date there is nothing wrong with my fingernails or whatever else they say will be noticed, and I am no shade of any colour other than the colour I was born with.

This is the thing for me, there is an abundance of literature relating to 'CS' and its potential for that infamous self developing in sunlight colour side effect but nothing I have found relates to what is made in the home?

Too many unanswered questions for any hard and fast rules to be applied, or even suggested for me. Half the literature one finds is left to the readers interpretation, the other half is innuendo and guilt by association.

My knowledge of this stuff is not huge, but nothing I have read to date will sway me into believing what is made in the home will create any colour issue. Nowhere near enough information for me to be swayed. I should add however that due to that same lack of suitable information available I am aware of the amount I consume, just to be sure to be sure...LOL. More information is sorely needed for all.

Interesting exchange of ideas and information though.

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