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lots and lots of bright, soft, green stones by detoxflush ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   5/30/2014 7:02:57 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   3,448

Hello, everyone!  I'm hoping you all could give me some advice/info and help me out a bit since I am new to liver flushing.

I have been doing a liver flush this week that consisted of tart cherry juice, extra virgin olive oil, epsom salts and grapefruit juice.  Yesterday was the actual oil/grapefruit "flush" and last night as well as twice already this morning I have had soft bright green stones... like... a lot.  I would dare to say hundreds of different shapes and sizes.  And I'm not even done taking my last epsom salt drink yet!  surprise

I know they aren't coming from my gallbladder because, well, I don't have one!  I had mine (foolishly) taken out about 14 years ago by some greedy doctors after I did a no-fat crash diet. :(  I have had numerous digestive/health problems ever since.  It's like each year they just kept getting worse and worse (i.e. leaky gut syndrome, depression, candida overgrowth/fungal skin issues, other skin issues since birth like psorasis that have gotten worse/spread, extreme fatigue, weight gain/inability to lose weight, horrible menstruations, hair loss when exercising-- just lots of weird things).  I always thought that I had heavy metal poisoning as well and almost had all of my fillings replaced this year but financially was stopped from doing so.  But I read that when the liver is as backed up as mine possibly is, that's why there could be heavy metal toxicity in the body because the toxins keep getting reabsorbed into the blood stream instead of expelled properly through a well functioning liver.

I also wanted to ask, what does it mean when you pass so many bright, soft green stones?  Are they new stones?  Does that mean I probably have really old hard, different colored ones waiting to come out as well?

OH!-- I also read that a high fat diet would be good to do because it helps keeps the stones moving out or something to that effect.  I would ALWAYS tell people that I feel leaps and bounds better eating oily/fatty food (okay, not the HEALTHY fatty food I should be eating, but you get the idea!).  I had no idea that my body craved the fat and grease because it was trying to help pass all of my stones!  Amazing!

Anyways, so now that I'm ready to drink my last 6oz glass of epsom salts in another few minutes, I was just wondering... ***how often should I do a liver flush***?  I have read that it's really only good to do in the springtime (and never during a full or new moon), or some people do it consecutively, and some people do it once a month until all stones are gone and the new "diet" stops producing them, etc.  So considering I have a quarry inside of my liver cheeky, what should I do?  Is it safe to do a few consecutive ones?  If so, do I need to do water enemas each time?  Also, should I do another water enema after today to make sure my stones are completely out?  I don't like the idea of doing the water enemas to be quite honest, but the book I read said you should do one before and after the flush...?

Any other info/help would be appreciated!  Thanks!  But right now, I gotta go visit the restroom again!!!! surprise


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