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Re: How do you cure H.Pylori? HELP! by BrightSideOfLife ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   5/25/2014 9:52:39 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   5,274

I have tried it myself after reading about it helping. I tried high doses of 25grams a day and it made no difference whatsoever. Whether it inhibited it I cannot say, but it certainly did not help destroy it. That quantity is about the limit that my bowel can tolerate without my bowel becoming too loose. I won't be any too graphic but wet farts and resulting dirty underwear come to mind.

I was on that dose for quite a long time, many months and have since cut back to 22g but it is as if I am not taking it.

Enzymes cause slight stomach sensations where I believe the bacteria to be and even that seems to be having less effect than it was. Essential oils make very little difference, even the ones known to have strong anti biofilm and anti bacteria effects. All the effects of the infection are still present and unresolved so it is certainly still present.

I must add that it turned out not to be pylori like I believed. An ELISA pylori antibody test showed negative. However it is a chronic stomach infection with an unidentified urease positive bacteria very similar to pylori.

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