Re: Sharing what worked for me-- via homeopathic pharmacist in NYC by Isabel24 ..... Bartholin’s Gland Abscess
Date: 5/19/2014 5:37:22 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 23,193
Hi All,
Serrapeptase works!! I just had my very first BC experience this past weekend. It scared the heck out of me and I spent a lot of time online doing research to hunt out the best remedy for me.
Out of all the stuff on the nebulous internet, this forum was of the most help - especially this post by astralgirl01. Thank you so, so much, astralgirl01 (and *all* who have posted here)! What you have shared helped cut through all of the overwhelming information out there about a relatively undiscussed topic. I'm indebted. What I'm posting may not be new information, but will definitely back up the findings of others whose advice I followed.
My BC was almond-sized upon discovery and grew to be slightly bigger. Walking was just starting to be really uncomfortable when I realized that it was NOT an ingrown hair but a BC! It cleared up quickly -- in three days. I jotted down everything I did for my own records and also so I could share with anyone else who could use the info. I noticed that the main steps in my remedy ironically make up the acronym "AHHA" (Ah-ha!): Anti-Inflammatory Enzyme, Heat, Hydration & Aeration.
Here's what I did:
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ENZYME (Serrapeptase): Like astralgirl01, I strongly believe that this was the key! I am based in the US and found this natural enzyme available at many places -- online at Amazon and in the following stores: Super Supplements, Vitamin Shoppe. I purchased mine at Whole Foods Market.
Brand: Enzymedica
Name: SerraGold, High Activity Serrapeptase
Capsule Count: 60
SPU per Capsule: 100,000 SPU (I suspect that the more SPU's the better, 100,000 and over.)
Cost: $30 USD
Dosage: I took three per day, five hours apart (8 AM / 1 PM / 6 PM)
Note on enteric coating: SerraGold's Unique formula contains a vegetarian source of Serrapeptase so no enteric coating is needed. This brand was extremely gentle on the stomach and I experienced NO nausea or upset stomach.
HEAT: I used a Jack Frost Reusable Hot/Cold Gel Pack (also available on Amazon or at any local drugstore in the US). I heated mine (insulated side facing down) in the microwave for 30 seconds, wrapped it in a thin washcloth so that the heat came through but did not burn or sting and placed it on the BC area. This drew out the pain and helped speed things along towards bursting. I did this for 15 minutes at a time for several hours before bed. It also helped me relax and get to sleep. I also slept in the buff down below to give the BC area plenty of chance to breathe overnight.
I did not try applying the Tea Tree Oil / Calamine Lotion / Witch Hazel (as Phoebe helpfully advised) directly to the area, but that remedy was next on my list should the simple heat not do the trick. I also did not get to the pelvic floor bath stage (Stitz or Sea Salt ) but was prepared to try that next if all else failed.
HYDRATION: I read that it really helps to flush your system, so I amped up my water intake throughout the day (10-12 glasses) and drank three generous cups of green tea per day. This made me feel better in general, and I have to think it only aided in a speedy recovery from my BC.
AERATION: Letting my lady area breathe seemed to be a big factor in expediting my recovery. I checked the labels on all of the pants I had been wearing recently. They were all made of highly synthetic material - stretchy workout-style pants. Whoops! I quickly found a few pairs of predominantly cotton pants (95% cotton) and switched to wearing these. I also made sure to switch to only COTTON underwear.
Other tips & notes: Since stress and diet have been linked closely to BC causes, I did some internet scouring to find improvements that I could make:
DIET: I found this the perfect opportunity to try an anti-inflammatory diet. I loaded up on fruit and vegetable intake (especially leafy greens, berries, brightly-colored peppers, avocados, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.), nuts (almonds, pine nuts) and I also cut out dairy and sugars. I switched to Almond Milk (Silk brand) and substitute Stevia (100% extract) for Sugar in my tea. We ate out once and I order a small bowl of Vietnamese Pho, this tasted heavenly, was easy to digest and its fragrance soothed all of my senses.
STRESS-REDUCTION: Stress is tough to reduce when your health is in question and your life is already busy and/or hectic. Since I couldn't take a week off and fly to a Meditation Retreat on a sandy beach, I worked hard to take little moments each day to slow my breath, focus on the simple "in-and-out" rhythm of my breathing. I used Eucalyptus Oil liberally to help induce relaxation--dabbing it on my temples, in the center of my forehead and beneath my nostrils. This helped me unwind immensely, especially at night in combination with cups of steaming green tea and the hot pack on my BC area. I went to bed early, got eight hours of sleep and went about my days like normal but did what I could to be gentle to myself, not over-exerting myself, resting whenever possible. I also focused on not lingering long on stressful thoughts or in frenetic situations. Being kind and pampering oneself (even in little ways) is a tall order if you are not used to it, but the benefits are priceless. And your health and life will be changed for the better.
I hope this helps anyone dealing with a BC now or in the future. BC's are an upsetting and painful business, and no one should have to go through it alone or without good information.
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