Voices of the New Paradigm


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CHRIS THOMAS—Hardwired into the Akashic Record
Interview by Terje Toftenes
(Audio Transcription)

The Coming Transition

So we have… yes, in 1996, this new energy was connected to the planet which was designed intentionally to help us through this final transition phase between 1996 & 2012.

The amount of energy coming in is phenomenal. Its made up of something like about 53 million dimensions. And its certainly an energy pattern that we have never-ever seen on Earth before. And this is why everything feels like its accelerated since that time.

The energy brought with it also the ability to ask a question of ourselves, particularly of the Higher Self. And the question was, “As an individual, are we in a position to go through this change, or not?” And 60 percent of the population at that time said they were not, and 40 percent of the population said they were… or would be, but would require a little bit more work on themselves to do it. So we have essentially a 60/40 split within the Human population.

What that means in practical terms is that 60 percent has to leave the planet. What that means is that—yes, physically they leave their bodies behind, in other words—die, but all they’re doing is releasing the soul. And so, what they need to do is to return to their place of soul-origin, whatever that soul-origin is. I mean, the vast majority—something like 99 percent (or so) of all souls on Earth come from that non physical soul origin. And only 1 percent comes from the semi-physical soul origin.

Since 1996 what we’ve seen is a massive drop in the birthrate, according to the Akashic, not the “official” figures, because the official figures are very, very misleading, to put it mildly, and a massive increase in the death rate. So according to the Akashic, the Human population in 1996 was somewhere in the region of 7.4 billion people on Earth. But the “official” figure recorded something like 6.1-6.2 billion people on the planet. So the Akashic shows that we had far more people on Earth than has ever been in Human history.

But as things have progressed, and people have exercised their choices—don’t forget, this is free choice. Each individual soul has made their free choice as to whether they remain, or not. If every single one of those 7.4 billion souls had said, “I am ready to go ahead”, then they would have done so. There was nothing to prevent them from doing that. It is only individual personal choice that has determined who stays & who goes. Nobody is standing in judgment. It is only that individual soul who is judges themselves. Of the 40 percent who said they were staying, then they found that their life began to change. And any little challenges that they haven’t completed, as far as their Higher Self was concerned, needed to be completed. So for a lot of these people life became fairly traumatic, for a period in anyway. Whilst for others everything calmed down & they relaxed & realized that they were going to go through this change & they had done everything they needed to do in order to achieve it.

Now in 2005, we had another look at what was going on with the planet & unfortunately… the same question was asked again & the percentages had changed. And what we found in 2005 was that it became 65 percent said they could not go through the change & 35 percent said they could. In other words, we lost 5 percent of the population that said they could go through it.

But from 2005 onwards, people started completing the whole process—in other words, bringing the whole of the Higher Self back into the physical body. In other words, for the first time in more than 7,000 years we had Human Beings on the planet again. The first group who did this was a very small number. There was only 79 – the first people who attempted it, in various locations around the planet. But by the start of 2009 what we have are something like 2.9 million people worldwide who have completed this reintegration process.

This is the important point: what we are doing is reintegrating the soul back into the body. We are not undergoing a process of ascension. We aren’t going anywhere, we’re not leaving the planet. The whole purpose of being here is to be Human on a physical planet. So, why would we want to ascend somewhere off planet? That is the whole point of everything. As I’ve said, we are 2.9 million people now who have completed that, but there are many millions more who are there, or there abouts. They have only one final step to take.

And which means, as far as Earth is concerned, as far as the Universe is concerned, we have answered the primary question that was first asked when this Universe first came into being—“Is Human life possible?” And the answer to that is ‘Yes!’ And we are primed to do that, to reclaim the Earth in the way in which we should be living on Earth.

Now, what happens after 2012 is anybody’s guess. I can tell you what its going to be like in 2050, lol. But what happens between 2012 & 2050? Its impossible to say, because, again, we’ve never been here before, this is something entirely new. And, like all transitions, we’re inevitably going to end up with trauma.

Those who have made the transition already have found it very straightforward, very simple. Generally, they have isolated away from the rest of the world, particularly the Western world, because the Western world is the most destructive form of civilization we have ever encountered on the planet. So, these 2.9 million people are either in tribal cultures dotted around in various third world countries, or they’re living in more Westernized countries, but are living basically hermit-like, like on top of mountains somewhere. There is a large community living in Europe somewhere—I’m not going to tell you where it is—made up of several thousand people that have contained themselves within psychic barriers. So, no matter how hard you try, you will not find them. But they do exist & they live in a very large community, living the life on Earth as it should be—very much on a psychic level. Their material needs are virtually zero. Their needs for food is very, very limited. They just don’t need food at all. And what they do need, they just grow themselves to suit whatever it is.

So, it can be done. We are there. Its just unfortunate that so many people have chosen to leave. Because every single soul—all those 7.4 billion souls who were on Earth in 1996 had the full capability of undergoing this transition. And it is only their choice that has limited what they now do. And the only choice they have is to essentially to leave the planet & return to their place of soul-origin. And that is really a great shame, because everybody could have done it, and that would have been wonderful.

Returning to Our Original Form

I don’t believe in labels & titles, I mean this is one thing we’ve learned during Human development is that Humans like to make things very complicated. And really, it comes down to things are very, very simple. The terms we should speak in are very, very simple. All we are doing is returning to the state we were in at the time of Atlantis, and the state we were 20,000 years ago. That is a whole Human Being, the whole of the soul, the whole of the consciousness within the physical body.

Now, in order to achieve this, we also worked out what frequency the Earth needs to resonate at. And therefore, a fundamental change occurred in 2002 in terms of Earth’s base note frequencies. So we rose from 7.5 Hz to 3,600 Hz. Now, that was a massive shift in energy potential. A lot of people felt it. Certainly, all life on Earth responded to it & felt it. But there is a bit of a lag in time in terms of how people are feeling it & how people are responding to that. Because if you have the equipment sensitive enough to measure the Earth’s resonance, we’re only roughly in the region of 9 Hz, at the start of 2009.

That’s because the shift in energy patterns, in a measurable way, is occurring on parabolic curve. And so it starts off very, very slowly. But by the time we get to 2010, in other words, by the end of 2009, we should be up around the 10-12 Hz range. By the time we get into 2011 we should be in the 15-20 Hz range, but then we get this exponential shift in energies. So, by the middle of 2011 we will have hit the 3,500 Hz mark.

So, there is that little bit of a time-lag, unfortunately.

Measuring Earth Frequencies

I know that NASA has measured it. They’ve developed instrumentation sensitive enough to do that. And there are other people around the world who also have sensitive enough equipment that will measure these frequencies. So it is confirmed, if you like. So the Akashic says one thing and there are instrumentation readings which confirm the same thing.

So, we are in that process of change. Its just unfortunate, there’s a bit of a time-lag between hitting the 3,500 Hz & the Earth shifting into that energy pattern. But, nevertheless, it is going ahead, it is happening.

The Greatest Change in Human History

Nothing has ever been like this before. Nothing even comes close to what we are undergoing. When we lost out higher levels of consciousness on Atlantis & between the periods of 20,000 & about 12,000 years ago, it was a gradual decline. But what we have now is a shift of monumental proportions. Nothing has occurred like this anywhere within the Universe, let alone on Earth. So, we are undergoing a shift of consciousness that is totally unknown. Never experienced before. Nobody knows what’s happening. Nobody knows how its going to turn out, or the stages necessary to achieve what we need to achieve.

We will get there. I mean it’s pretty obvious from the people who have made it already. But quite what happens to the residue to the 65 percent of people who said they were not going to make it—That’s where the problems lie. And certainly there are organizations who want to maintain the status quo & they’re doing everything possible to mislead people into believing that nothing is happening, or everything needs to continue as it is.

And, this is reflected in a great deal of political discussion & political information. But underneath it all, those who are changing know they're changing, and they know they're moving forwards. And this is why so many people are divorcing themselves away from the world as it stands at the moment, and particularly politics & why so much information is now coming out that has been hidden before. Because politics has been getting away with corruption & fraud for centuries, and yet nobody really knew that much about it. But all of a sudden, worldwide, we have a release of information that shows that we’ve been mislead by fools, and corrupt fools at that. Its this change in energy patterns that is fueling the change & the release of all this kind of information. And also why we see changes in things like science & cosmology & that sort of thing, because people are starting to wake up to the fact that these scientific theories are wrong, always have been wrong & not based on any kind of fact, just purely & simply assumption.

In fairness, the Solar System we inhabit is surrounded by an energy bubble. And this energy bubble contains us, it makes us Human, it makes us physical. Whereas, if we get outside this energy bubble, what we have are different frequencies. I mean, the speed of light has been well measured & travels at 186,000 miles per second, I can’t remember what it is in kilometers. And it does, this is what it travels within our Solar System, but once you get outside of our Solar System, then the speed of light changes—its totally different. And this is why the ages of things, such as the stars, galaxies, whatever… have a problem… There is this problem between the dates recorded in the Akashic & the scientific assumption of it. And why there’s this thing of “we have an expanding Universe”— we don’t have an expanding Universe. What we have is freedom of movement within the universal envelope. So, some galaxies are moving in one direction, which makes them look as though the Universe is expanding.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Cold Dark Matter & Cold Dark Energy - Ridiculous!

And we also have… I have to call it, this ridiculous concept of ‘Cold Dark Matter’ & ‘Cold Dark Energy’— THEY DO NOT EXIST! Certainly, Cold Dark Matter does not exist.

What we have is the Universe that is built of electromagnetic energies — that’s the nearest analogy, Human analogy, that I can come to in terms of describing what occurs within the Universe. Everything is energy. In fairness to Einstein, the E = MC squared formula still holds. That is a truth that is universal, essentially. So, everything is energy. So why would there would be ‘dark matter’ around somewhere, that makes up the mass of the Universe to try to make this gravitational theory work.

[The] Gravitational Theory is a complete load of rubbish, when it comes down to it, with all due respect to Einstein’s theory of relativity, as well. But we have an electromagnetic universe, and if you look at the difference between electromagnetic forces & magnetic forces, the difference is phenomenal. And if you start to look from a scientific viewpoint, that the Universe is being made up electromagnetism, then all the anomalies, all the problems with their equations & theories become resolved. Its as simple as that — you know, it doesn’t take much thinking about. I mean, if I can do it as a non scientist just on the physical evidence, never mind with what’s within the Akashic, then I really don’t understand what this “Double-Dark Theory” is all about, because it just doesn’t work.

The Divine Plan

Essentially, what we have… we are operating under a plan. You can call it a Divine Plan, if you like, or you know, however you want to think about it, what we have is a Creationary Source that brought about this Universe in order to explore a thought. What that thought is, is ‘freedom of choice’. And therefore, every consciousness, every soul that exists within this Universe has absolute freedom of choice to choose its form & its actions.

So, that is the only blueprint that exists as far as this Universe is concerned. There are similarities in terms of, let’s say, forms of galaxy, but beyond that, then, No, there is no hard & fast rule. What there is connecting all these things together is this thing called the Akashic, which, as I’ve said earlier, is a record, that’s all it is, it records everything. Which means that all the information that has ever been uncovered, investigated or experimented with, within this Universe by using that freedom of choice, is recorded within it. And therefore, any soul that wishes to explore a new avenue can, if you like, access the information that is contained within the Akashic & then build on that to move on to whatever it is that they wish to do. And ultimately, this Akashic field will be what returns to this Creationary Source, because the answers to the question it asked is contained within the Akashic, that’s its purpose.

Now, I know there are concepts going around, particularly within quantum physics, of the Akashic being something along the lines of a holographic matrix. But I cannot really see the Akashic working in that way. You know, I’ve been actively working with the Akashic for over 30 years. Basically, I don’t channel it in the sense of being a channel. I don’t go into a trance to access it. Just purely & simply, somehow or other, I seem to be able to tap into this information source. It doesn’t mean to say that I can get a hold of all the information, at any one time. But it does mean that I can access what is within it, if my choice is to do so.

And the way I would see it is, more along the lines of charged particles — like an energy field. But within that energy field, you then end up with vortices of energy. And its those vortices that contain the information & the record. As I say, all the Akashic does is record, it does not predict. It does not make changes occur, cuz changes will only occur by the choice of the soul that is making those choices. And so, it is purely & simply a record of events. So, its part of what you could think of as the Human mass consciousness, as far as this planet is concerned.

But then the Akashic also extends out towards the Solar System itself. And then it also links into the Galactic Akashic, and that Galactic Akashic then ties in with the records of all the other galaxies that exist within this Universe, and everything that has ever occurred. So it is possible, if you’re prepared to spend the time, is to go & get a full history of the Universe. Its not something I’ve ever done, it’s because I think there’s enough going on with Earth without getting into those sorts of complications. But in terms of specific questions, then it is possible to access specific answers within the Akashic.

By accessing the information, you don’t destroy it, you don’t remove it, or change it, [it] purely & simply becomes a part of the person asking the question. Because you cannot alter the way in which the information is recorded, because otherwise, there would be little purpose in there being an Akashic. Because, if you could alter it, then you could… if somebody had enough energy potential, then they could create their own story, which is a pointless exercise, as far as the Creationary Source is concerned. Because it wants to know what happened, is all it comes down to in the end.

Incarnation and What Occurs Between Lifetimes

For a lot of people, when we began this Human Plan 7,000 years ago, they planned all of their lifetimes at that point, and haven’t really changed very much since. But for most people, as we’ve lived each lifetime, we encountered obstacles, shall we say, something that we need to learn about, or learn from. And, generally speaking, most people have coped with those obstacles. We might complain in life that life’s getting tough, but generally speaking, we’ve accommodated it & lived with it & worked with it. But, if there was a point at which we felt within ourselves that it was too much, we just couldn’t deal with the level of obstacles that we had to overcome, then we could say to our Higher Selves “enough of this, I can’t cope with this anymore.” Then, our Higher Self wouldn’t push us in the directions that we really had agreed that we should go on. And it meant, that we could take those obstacles that we could not overcome into a future lifetime. And so we could then learn from those experiences at a later date.

And this is how everything has operated for the last 7,000 years. This is why for some people they have an easy lifetime because they’ve complete all the investigative work they chose to carry out. And why for other people life has been very, very difficult. Its because they’ve for whatever reason their courage has failed in a previous lifetime, and therefore, they’ve had to come up against these obstacles & overcome them in the present lifetime.

Choice of Incarnation

We’ve always had choice. You know, this is always it. But within that choice has been the want to experiment & explore all possibilities that Earth has to offer. So, within this 7,000 year period that we’ve been working through this plan, then every single person has been rich or poor, black or white, or whatever skin color is available on the planet, but also, male or female, homosexual or heterosexual, everybody has undergone those kinds of experiences for their own learning processes.

And so, yes, whatever experiences are available on the planet, everybody has experienced in one way or another, again, determined by their choice. I mean, some people will have lived a series of lifetimes in one country because they happen to like that country. But for the vast majority of people, then they have explored everything on the planet. They have lived in different countries, lived as a different sex, & been rich, poor or whatever in between.

So, no, everybody has experienced… because during this 7,000 year period, each of us have averaged about 100 lifetimes, some more than that & some considerably less, but its been about an average of about 100 lifetimes. And so it’s meant that we’ve been able to explore every possibility. And as each generation has come along, new possibilities present themselves. This is why we’ve had such a rising population, is because more souls have come here from outside our Solar System to experience new things within Human life. And they’ve gone away again, and have come back several generations later, perhaps. You know, it’s to say, it’s a very complicated subject because of this freedom of choice.

And so, yes, some souls have been here for one or two lifetimes & then have gone back to their place of soul-origin, waiting for this change to occur, for example. Some have been here & lived, you know, 150 lifetimes, let’s say...

(end of part4)


posted by turiya