Voices of the New Paradigm


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CHRIS THOMAS—Hardwired into the Akashic Record
Interview by Terje Toftenes
(Audio Transcription)

The Origin of Human Souls

Chris Thomas: So, where did the souls who became Human Beings – where did they originate?

Essentially, its from the six non physical races, this is the first created within our Universe, made a choice to come to Earth & to discover what it is like to have physical form & physical density—something which they’ve never had before. And that, in itself, created problems. Because they weren’t use to having physical form & physical density, then it was a very strange experience for them, and problems resulted because of that.

I mean, yes, Atlantis was a paradise, but at the same time there were problems there, because it was experimental place. In order to assist in resolving those problems, many of those souls who originated in the semi-physical races also came to Earth & many of them took on Human form. So, in other words, they left their semi-physical bodies behind & adopted a Human body. And that was there to try to help us resolve some of the problems that had existed, or had come about, because nobody knew what was going to happen.

The Change on Atlantis

Chris Thomas: Yes, something started to change. Again, you got to bear in mind that this was a unique situation—Human life had never ever existed before, and inevitably there are going to be problems with it. The story is actually very long & very complicated & would probably take… you know… a film all by itself.

But essentially, there were two problems:
One was, some of our higher capabilities, our higher psychic senses, began to become eroded. And nobody really knew what was causing that, or what that was all about. But also, because life on Earth is so abundant. I mean, its no exaggeration to say that there are more forms of life on this Earth than the rest of the Universe put together. I mean it really is that abundant. And, therefore life on Earth was used as a resource, if you like, for other planets. It doesn’t mean to say life was removed from Earth, just, purely & simply, was copied.

Again, our friends from NGC-584 made copies of life forms & modified them to the requirements of other planet wherever they were within the Universe. As far I can track down, the nearest I can come to it is a form of bacteria that was essential for life on the new planet that was just developing — was being developed on Earth so it could be transferred to this new planet. Now what this bacteria was designed to do was to convert hydrogen into oxygen.

By converting hydrogen into oxygen it was essential for life on the other planet, but as far as Earth is concerned it could be fairly disastrous. And some of this bacteria got loose, and people started ingesting it. And by taking in this bacteria, they didn’t really know how to deal with it, and what you end up with is… If you think of the body, it is made up of a great deal of water, which is two atoms of hydrogen & one atom of oxygen. If you convert all that hydrogen into oxygen, then the body disintegrates. Literally, you end up with a pile of minerals on the floor, not dissimilar to salt.

So, this bacteria somehow mutated within the atmosphere as well, and caused all sorts of problems all over Atlantis, in anyway, it was contained on Atlantis, fortunately. But if it had got loose onto the rest of the planet, then, literally, it could have destroyed all of life on Earth, which was a totally unacceptable situation.

So what we have here really is an example of the very first form of genetic modification—a genetically modified organism (GMO) got loose on Earth, could not be contained, even with the mental capabilities we had at that time. And so the only course of action was to destroy the Continent. This we did by opening up the mid-Atlantic trench, surrounding the whole of the Continent with massive volcanoes, which contained the bacteria, killed-off the bacteria. But the Continent literally sank into the Earth’s core. It was the only way we could think of to totally containing the whole of this bacteria & the problem created by genetically modified organisms. Which is a little bit of a mirror of what is going on at the moment with genetically modified stuff.

The Earth obviously went into shock, because you cannot remove a continent & expect the planet to remain unscathed. And so the massive floods—This really is the origin of Noah’s flood is the destruction of Atlantis.

The planet, as a consciousness, when she fulfilled what one of her primary roles was, which is that of developing Human life & supporting Human life, and the expanding consciousness that went with that, as far as Human consciousness is concerned, the planet Herself expanded. In other words, Her consciousness responded to the Human consciousness, and we had a planet that was approximately ten percent larger in diameter than She is now.

But with the destruction of the Continent & the removal of Human Beings from the planet, She literally shrank—went into shock & shrank within Herself & reduced in sized to about 25 percent smaller than She currently is now. Which means that you had something like a 35% reduction in the planet’s diameter, which obviously has a major effect on the planet’s surface area, which created a worldwide flood.

But this occurred 60,000 years ago—NOT the 12,000 years ago that a lot of other archeologists talk about. It’s very specific within the Akashic. I mean this is a very, very major event that occurred. And it’s very difficult… you couldn’t miss the record that is within the Akashic of this event.

The Population of Cro Manon

Terje Toftenes: At that time were there no other human population on the planet, everything was going on Atlantis?

Chris Thomas: Yes, there were other Humans, these were Cro Magnon that were on the planet which we left alone—didn’t interfere with in any way. Because they, obviously, made their choices not to be accelerated in the same way as those who inhabited Atlantis had. It is always ‘freedom of choice.’ And this population Cro Magnon decided not to be a part of that acceleration. And so they remained on the planet developing in their own way, at their own pace. So they were left totally untouched & unaffected by what went on with Atlantis.

A Variation of Cro Magnon

And, to a certain extent they remain to this day. I mean these are variations on Cro Magnon & how they developed are being like the Yeti & Big Foot, and there are pigmy races & very tall races around the world. There are certainly a number of races on the planet that still exist, that are giants in the terms that they’re about 15 foot tall, which is what… about 5 meters, roughly. Or, we have the pigmy races which are only about a meter tall—1.5 meters tall. They are all variations on Cro Magnon, on the way in which they’ve developed, and they’ve found ways of hiding away from modern man to keep themselves safe, essentially. So they do exist on the planet, they were never removed from the planet, not totally, in any way. And many of them found shelter when the planet receded, or reduced in size & the surface flooded.

But it gave the planet an opportunity as well to remove a lot of species that She considered to be unsuitable for carrying on. And so what we have starting 60,000 years ago is a development in new life on the planet. Nothing is ever wasted, so the opportunity was taken to construct new life forms & at the same time to repair the planet, to bring it back to its pristine condition.

And for that, many people went to live underground. And so those from Atlantis who decided to stay on the Earth & help the reconstruction process went to live in massive underground complexes that they essentially built for themselves. There’s one on Salsbury Plain, there’s one under Giza Plateau in Egypt and there’s one under Mexico, essentially—the Teotihuacan Plateau in Mexico—these are several thousand kilometers of tunnels—massive structures. So, during the worst of the problems occurred by destroying the continent. That’s where people went to live. Again, this where a lot of people have memories of a period of Human history when we went to live underground for various reasons.

Terje Toftenes: Are these tunnels still intact?

Chris Thomas: Yes, they are.

Terje Toftenes: And how deep under the surface would you suggest they are?

Chris Thomas: Some of them are fairly close to the surface, in fact most of them are fairly close to the surface. But they also link into the Mohorovičić layer which is about 3 kilometers down, something like that, which is where volcanic magma rises from the Earth’s core. It spreads out through this layer. And so when the volcano is expended, then you end up with these massive underground tunnels.

Image Transmitted by Robot Deep Under the Ancient Teotihuacan Plateau Temple

So, that’s where people went to live. And so, if you like, the refugees of Atlantis went to live anything down to 3 kilometers under the Earth. And some of them remained there until very recently. You know, the tunnels were not cleared out until about the year 2000, something like that.

Are Governments or Military Aware of These Tunnels

Chris Thomas: Yes, very much so. There was this huge fuss made a few years ago of the tunnels found under the Giza Plateau. They were meant to being filmed, and I’ve read eye-witness accounts of people who went in to investigate them, but nothing has ever been said about them or officially released. But they do exist, as they do in South America and, as I say, under Salisbury Plain, there is another series of tunnels under there—not as extensive as Egypt, but they’re still there & never officially investigated.

Underground Tunnel System - Giza Plateau
Giza was known anciently as ‘Rostau’, meaning the “mouth of the passages”.
Reports of cavities and underground tunnels at Giza have circulated for
thousands of years, and the discovery of several are recorded.

So, no, it took 40,000 years, essentially, to get the Earth back on an even keel after that. I mean, removing a continent, removing most of the species off the surface while trying to maintain other species on the surface, proved to be a major problem. And, it was really 20,000 years ago that the Earth was ready for life to start again.

The Sphinx, the Pyramids and Other Ancient Sites

The Sphinx - A 60,000 Year old Marker

Chris Thomas: Before we destroyed Atlantis, obviously, what we did was to prepare ourselves for what was to come—the holocaust that was to come, essentially. And to these tunnels were prepared. And, certainly as far as the Giza one is concerned, a marker was put there which is the Sphinx, which makes the Sphinx 60,000 years old. Means that all the weathering patterns—water patterns—on the back of the Sphinx are very genuine. Its just purely & simply its taken 60,000 years to leave those patterns behind. Because the climate of Egypt at the time was essentially sub-tropical. So, they’ve had a lot of rains, a lot of lush vegetation. So, it was an ideal spot to go and live in these tunnels until the worst of what was going on with the planet had completed.

So, it took roughly 40,000 years to get the Earth back to a condition where it was habitable and the Earth, Herself, was happy with the new forms of life & how they would interact with what would become new Humans, essentially. So, Cro Magnon had remained on the planet but was still developing at its own pace.

When we had returned roughly 20,000 years ago, we were as we were on Atlantis—we were this Homo Spiritus. We had all the capabilities that we had on Atlantis—all the psychic capabilities, a lighter physical form, so we weren’t as physically dense as we are now. And life carried as it had on Atlantis. In other words, we enjoyed what we were, who we were & where we were, and everything that all the forms of life Earth had to offer.

When we came back, we chose six regions to develop because we’d realized that there were problems that we had on Atlantis before this genetically modified bacteria that caused the destruction. So we wanted to investigate what it was to be Human & what the implications were & also why we started to lose these higher brain functions.

And so Egypt became one center, or those who became the Sumerians, if you like, that took on a scientific role of investigating everything from a scientific viewpoint, or what would be considered a scientific viewpoint. And that to a certain extent was mirrored by a group that went to South America, as well. Again, if you look around, you’ll find evidence for this everywhere in that there are telescope lenses found & microscope lenses found in archeological digs in ancient Sumeria going back at least 8,000 years—at the very least 8,000 years. There’s an illustration I’ve come across of people in South America using telescopes, quite obviously using telescopes that has been dated to well over twelve and a half thousand years old. So, we were considerably more advanced than we are now. And this is where this pre-existing advanced civilization really comes from, is from this period of 20,000 years ago.

But, again, we started having problems & we started losing a lot of our higher brain functions & some of our psychic capabilities. And so what we did, or what was chosen to be done, was to build the pyramids. Now the pyramids were built about 18,000 years ago with one specific function. And that was to enhance our psychic capabilities, literally to remerge the whole of the soul back into the physical body.

And so that was the only function the pyramids were built for, they have no other function whatsoever—they certainly were never ever tombs. The so-called “sarcophagus” that is still within the so-called “King’s Chamber” within the Central Pyramid in Giza was actually filled with an alchemical—what we would describe as an alchemically altered form of gold, which helps in psychic enhancement.

Now what we used the pyramid for—was, essentially, we would enter into the King’s Chamber and make sounds specific frequencies. These would resonate within the Chamber & within the so-called “air vents” above the King’s Chamber. And what we would end up with is the creation of standing-wave resonance. And the standing-wave resonance within the King’s Chamber was powerful enough to remerge the soul back into the body.

So, that is primary function of the pyramids—wherever you find pyramidal shapes—ancient pyramidal shapes such as Bosnia, obviously Egypt, South America. Iraq, even, there are a couple of pyramids, or were pyramids, in Iran/Iraq borders. That’s what their primary function was.

In Britain things were a little different, in that Britain you could think of as the primary energy interchange point with the planet & the rest of the Universe. And so the energy patterns there were much, much higher frequencies than they were on the rest of the planet. And so we didn’t need to build pyramid structure here. Instead of which, eventually, roughly between a period of 12,000—10,000 years ago, we built the Silbury Hill Complex with Avebury & Stonehenge which served the same function as the pyramids, essentially. So the circles & the stones of Avebury contained knowledge & information.

The Circles & Stones of Avebury Contained Knowledge & Information

So you boosted your energies, if you like, at Silbury Hill, which is where the primary energy intake point landed on the planet. And then, as you processioned around the stones & the circles Avebury, you took knowledge & information from each of the stones until you had sufficient knowledge of how to use Stonehenge, which is a primary energy focus point. And by standing in the center of Stonehenge, particularly the bluestone circle, rather than the trilithon circle. What you ended up with then is the same process as you would have found in the King’s Chamber of the Giza Pyramids.

So we tried all sorts of little tools as ways of maintaining our full consciousness to full soul within the Human body. But, eventually, the battle became too much. And what we found out eventually was that the planet’s own energy resonance was too low a frequency to accommodate the whole of the soul within the body. Now the planet traditionally resonates at 7.56 Hz, which is fine for all other life is concerned, but its not good as far as Human life, or what should be defined as “Human life.” Bearing in mind that Human life is this “Homo Spiritus.”

And so, what we decided to do was to put into place what the Akashic calls “The Human Plan.” And all this ‘Plan’ really means is that we would live a series of lifetimes, in other words, reincarnate into physical bodies, in order to learn & experience what it is to be Human. And how to work with the planet in ways which were non destructive either to the planet or to ourselves. And this ‘Plan’ we put into place roughly 7,000 years ago. And with that came finite limit—we only allowed ourselves roughly the 7,000 years. This was so because the outcome of this ‘Plan’ was unknown. The Earth, Herself, insisted on a finite limit in case we couldn’t find our way back, in which case, then we would have to start again if that’s what the planet chose to do. Or, we would start again on another planet somewhere else within the Universe.

So, this is what we have been doing for the past 7,000 years. And this is why the ancient Egyptian calendars, the Chinese calendars, the Celtic calendars & the main calendar all end in 2012, its because that is the end of the 7,000 year period we set ourselves. Because, for this 7,000 year period, we have become “sub-Human”—quite deliberately, in order so that it was… by breaking ourselves down to our lowest component, we hope, then, to become more physical & more interactive with the Earth so we could learn how to get ourselves back to what the Earth considers to be a full Human Being—that is, the whole soul within the body.

And so for 7,000 years what we have become is a divided soul, within the physical body—the bodies that we are used to, in any one lifetime we only ever incorporate something like one-quarter of the total soul. So what we have a physical aspect of the soul & what people generally call the “Higher Self,” which is the non physical aspect of the soul, and that makes up about three-quarters of the total soul.

So what we do in-between lifetimes is we converse, as it were, consult with the Higher Aspect of the soul to give our next incarnation a series of goals—a series of challenges, so that we learn from it. And this is a process we’ve come to know by another Sumerian word which is “karma.” Now I know there are all sorts of interpretations to the word ‘karma’ and the process of karma, but as the Akashic is concerned the word ‘karma’ means knowledge, and it means nothing more than that.

So, for 7,000 years what we’ve been doing is to live a series of lifetimes gaining knowledge in order to become Human again. This is where the timeframe runs out is this 2012 date. Its not actually 2012, its just that the calendar comes to an end at 2012. But if you look at the Mayan Calendar for example, built within it are a series epochs. And in each epoch marks the end of one phase of life & the beginning of a new phase of life. And the last epoch date ends on the 29th of October 2011, which ties in very closely with the Akashic date, because the Akashic states “towards the end of 2011” is when we must complete our knowledge gathering process & bring the whole of the consciousness, the whole of the soul, back into the physical. And along the way we’ve made all sorts of mistakes, made all sorts of wrong decisions, but that 2012 ended, it is the end date, we can’t change that.

And this is where we are at the moment. In 1996 a new energy was connected to the planet which was essentially there to fuel-up this process of change that most people feel that we are undergoing.

(end of pt3)

posted by turiya