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Re: Iodine and biofilms? by grizz ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   3/29/2014 9:34:46 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   5,078

Gina is correct,

Iodine is the best Antibiotic ever discovered, where bacteria cannot develop resistance. When a person is Iodine sufficient, the mucous found in the nose, lungs, intestines has enough Iodine to kill bacteria on contact.

"Iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time."
Dr. David Derry
Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that Antibiotics can't. As we shall see directly below, so powerful is Iodine in a protective sense that it also helps us rid the body, not only of harmful chemicals and heavy metals, but also rids the body of abnormal cells meaning it qualifies as an anticancer agent.

Elemental iodine is a potent germicide with a wide spectrum of activity and low toxicity to tissues. A solution containing 50 ppm iodine kills bacteria in 1 min and spores in 15 min.

"Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body."
Dr. George Flechas

Iodine is my drug of choice. I use it for everything. I raise my kids and now my grand kids on iodine. My son was due to have his tonsils removed and I decided to paint his tonsils and he has never been had any more problems with his throat. I took a spray bottle and poured some iodine into the bottle and sprayed his tonsils. As you may know iodine dries quickly, so he didn't really swallow any. It worked within 24 hours after spraying the throat.

Every 17 minutes, every drop of blood in our body flushes through our thyroid, and if our thyroid has an adequate supply of iodine, blood-borne bacteria and viruses are killed off as the blood passes through the thyroid. We are just beginning to rediscover the amazing curative powers of iodine.

Dr. Mark Sircus
Much more:

Whatever iodine is not used by the body goes harmlessly out into urine, and even then protects against bladder & urinary tract infections.

I have much more, see Iodine here:

IMO, the combination of D3 & iodine kills disease before they start. See our Testimonials if you have any doubts at all:



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