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Re: Real Scabies Cure! by scabiecrusher ..... Scabies Forum

Date:   3/6/2014 3:27:46 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   33,607

AT wikihow Make-Clove-Oil clove oil GOOGLE IT
cayenne pepper AT experienceproject GOOGLE IT

Had scabies for 3 months before it was known that it was scabies, thought it was lice then bed bugs then lice again. so probably got it in November, started curing February 10, on week 4 now.

week one- feb 10 2014
first permethrin treatment
tried this in baths:
boiled onion skin
tea tree oil
cleaned everything in hot dryer
DE -diatomaceous Earth in home carpets

on BODY DE+ Grapeseed oil mix paste

DID a version of these all
then did permethrin after 7 days

Went through baths with sulfur soap, tea tree when you get out, neem oil for bed
wiping everything that was touched with alcohol
vacuum always change the bag.

drink apple cider vinegar
make mixes with raw garlic

I have huge open sores and welts on the back

DECIDED to keep body oily always

Now in march 6 2014,
Reduced everything to cayenne pepper baths and cayenne pepper solution in hair and leaving it in there cover head with plastic bag dry with dryer, can sleep with it on head

wipe stuff with witch hazel

cover body in homemade clove oil and neem oil constantly

sprinkle DE in BEDDing

Last push last week

Goin for the oils and the cayennes,
Stayin naked as much as possible,

May just stay in bathtub for 3 days
hope theres no eggs or that the eggs get killed with the cayenne

also bought some DMSO online, may try it, IDK

seems strong supposed to penetrate the skin

ill check in on monday 3/10/14


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