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Re: Excellent teaching on the religious spirit by trust2009 ..... Christianity Debate

Date:   2/22/2014 8:47:52 AM ( 11 y ago)
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wow, I am like that stupid woman, well, - life out of that words/thoughts, good spirit versus thoughts/words the spirit behind them that kills, and I think this is what I have been thinking of what is devil or Satan and it becomes this energy into a weapon, and you people can check in all phrophecy to come from this evil seed. this is an opening but one has to help himself to see it and understand for No one can force others to understand - we need love for that as a path of life as thought or words formed by God to life. would we not have this to the one we love or this is has to come from the future first then we seek this life? He is reading my thoughts we together, why it has come here right. to follow but have to be open and that with his the energy of life that becomes to be know first to him and then with love comes to be know we us, can we so live alone in this world as fallen angels or a sinner to be deliberately used to more sin from the Fall, all because the fruit of evil is good first to get and then seek God, well the church did not told this truth and we know why, it took the rule to control and thus if you say something Godly they would be controlled and then for this they would have called you heretic and kill you and that is not a sin, wow. you can see the story of saint frances of asisi, you can understand what evil means, and the origin and so on. good video. most men do not want to understand this for they are caught in the need to do evil for their living and that is a hell indeed and so better not to be aware of the truth underwise to know that one is fool he get more sick but even in ignorance he would be killed and in a way as a self suicide and cause be others as if not men cause. are we making a world that evil happen to us for we fool think that we can live in a dream that hold nothing not a nature in our body. the poor cannot be forced to condemn to body for no excuse of any stupid riches - happiness does not come from foolery and all as if, it is the light of creation seen through the spirit of creation into our expression of joy of life, no need to think for he does it before us. he is who serves us, that is before the Fall and we believed that we wanted always after the Fall always to sin for them rich and deceptive working against the very life. what a hate, they did not want us to teach us, who are they? thank you friend I hope this helped. but I disclaim for this is for education, freedom to know but to do you need permission from them, do not forget to kiss not hands now but asses, boomes and if there is a fart well think of that nice smell, that it turns to good spirit. joking. instead of music, my music is laughing at my foolery and yet, God know how much I pray and have to pray for what I cannot do to you to Life as it would be to me, golden rule it is from God from oneness, why not oneness, new ager. funny. hah hah wow. I cannot stop it. I takes drugs, doctors very nice, no a joke. just have a happy day for me that is why I am so fool for everyone. But look at Jesus on the cross and have mercy to look at me as a child of God and you are a child, beautiful. thank you my friend, and all.

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