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Re: To Tena Cious and Faith 110 re Nutritional Balancing by Faith110 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   2/21/2014 12:52:38 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   3,429

No worries, Julie. I am happy to help steer anyone clear of going through the horrific experiences I've endured, as well as helping them to protect their wallets! When we're sick its hard enough trying to keep our heads above water financially..the last thing we need is to get robbed by so called "healers". Sadly, I have seen this happen to so many others aside from myself. There's a special place on the other side for people who victimize the sick!

"My consultant thought that I had stirred up "some toxic" or some such."

LOL this is what they always blame every negative reaction on because THEY DON'T KNOW! During the months of hell and violence that I suffered my body was in pure torment and was rejecting everything yet I was told to keep pushing through the "stirring up of toxins" nature gave us the gift of somatic intelligence- that is the body's built in warning system that something is not good. The body does a wonderful job of rejecting something that isn't supposed to be there (for example food poisoning). I always thought it was insane to try and go against this system. Throughout my (very painful) journey, I've learned that listening to my body is the best thing in the world, no matter who says what is healthy or not.

"Have you found anything that has helped you? May I ask what are you doing now for your symptoms? and what are they?"

Unlike SOME people on this forum, I have no problems publically sharing my story, experiences, symptoms or healing protocol. I've been posting here for awhile and like I said before, I really hope that I can help others- even if it's in a "learn from my fail" way :) In my case, the biggest part of my healing was figuring out the right diet. Once I discovered that I had histamine and salicylate issues I went on the Failsafe diet and slowly started to come alive again. Potatoes have saved my life, literally. I found Matt Stone over at 180 degree health and then Ray Peat. I learned all about metabolism and started focusing on healing it as whole and not just one single part (adrenals,thyroid etc). I am following their plan loosely, as much as I can while still adhering to Failsafe. Ray Peat gets a little looney..he's got the right idea but he does go overboard. I incorporated more carbs, a moderate amount of sugar, and drank much less water. Basically the opposite of what every health guru tells you to do. Aside from that I do light yoga, and I take leisurely walks. I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can, I get at least 20 mins of sun a day (i live in Florida so its easy). I take care of my horse every day, I do things that feed my soul -art, listening to music, etc. I laugh alot, and love has been a very powerful medicine. I got rid of toxic people in my life. I shut down all electronics aroiund 9pm and I'm in bed by 10 with a book. I meditate every day (about 30 minutes), and I journal... that really helps me vent my feelings. As far as supplements go, I couldn't take anything for the longest time. Now I take small doses of vitamin C and Quercetin for my alleriges. I also swear by colostrum and raw milk. Sea salt is a huge part of my life. I eat organic, local food as much as possible. I also rely heavily on my spirituality. So that's pretty much my protocol. As far as my symptoms go, the list was once so long that it would probably take an hour to write it all out! But now the main things I deal with are allergies (slowly improving), body aches, headaches, internal vibration, on and off fatigue, racing thoughts, cold hands and feet, low body temps, intolerance to cold. Not all of these things happen every day though. When I've run myself down with overdoing it or getting too stressed out, my sleep will get irratic, I will get nauseaus, and my blood pressure will get low.

As far as getting tested for the SIADH, they found that out in the hospital. But if you are in the states, you can get your own aldosterone test from You'll also have to get renin tested at the same time. Once you get your results it will take a bit of sleuth work to decypher them but that will give you an idea of what your aldosterone situation looks like. The peeing all night thing..I used to have that. It's actually a metabolism issue. Once I added back warming foods in my diet like starch, sugar, and salt and I stopped drinking water (except when thirsty) that went away. With the aldosterone issue, peeing alot is not as much a symptom as is nausea, vomiting, orthostatic intolerance, POTS type episodes (where your heart jumps up at least 20 or more bpm upon standing), and a plummeting blood pressure upon standing. In any case salt is essential to metabolic health. And the person who thinks they can judge aldosterone levels by a hair test is a FOOL. I've even encountered real endocrinologists who are clueless about aldosterone. Yeah, I would completely throw that high aldosterone "diagnosis" in the trash!

Hope I answered all your questions :)




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