On pages 158 and 159 [chapter 7] of The Human Soul, CT cites 40 different pseudonyms that the Velon have used to channel information to people on Earth....false information, that is.
Included amongst these are: Reptilians
Superwoo Radio George Kavassilas w/ Cameron Day 10/27/2013
George Kavassilas: With the false-light understanding, what do you see in the way they want to play it out? I am not talking about the timing. I am not interested in the timing. But just as… for your idea on how they wish to play it out… when we look at the channelings, and the messages being disseminated… we look at the movies & just your understanding & feel the way this reality is flowing… Which way do you feel the way it’s headed & what sort of programs that they wish to implement onto humanity, as a whole, that you can see going on here?
Cameron Day: Well, that’s a big topic, but I think, first & foremost, that they want to keep humanity enslaved. That’s their primary goal, their primary #1 agenda. And, they’ll do just about anything they can to keep that in place, because they derive a tremendous amount of energy from the souls incarnated here.
So, how their going to do that… these are, again, the best liars in the universe, and they make many plans & many contingencies. But, one thing I think we need to all be very mindful of is the program, let’s call it, of the “ET Savior-ship”, where the ‘good-guy’ ETs are going to come in & save us… either, they’re going to save us from cataclysmic Earth changes, or they’re going to save us from our tyrannical governments. And they are going to institute an enlightened form of governance. And, perhaps, an enlightened monetary system, which is a contradiction in terms, so is enlightened governance. Because, any form of government – of control over another being, of control over the mind & body of a being from a central authority—Any type of hierarchy like that is not coming from the beings of the true light. This is coming from the demi-urge-ic beings.
And so, if they… who knows, they might even stage the invasion scenario, right, where there’s ‘bad’ ETs that are coming in. They’ll probably use the ‘Lizard’ guys, because they’re….
George Kavassilas: The modern-day version of the devil?
Cameron Day: Yeah, exactly. They’re the modern demons, the Reptilian ETs. And, of course, they’re out there, but again they’re all working together. So, the Lizards invade, and then the beautiful humanoid ETs come in and save us from the Lizards, and, you know, they’re 9-10 feet tall, and they look perfect & they live forever, and blah-bidi-blah...
And, they come in & everyone is like, “Oh, you’re so beautiful, you’re so wonderful.” And then, they say, “Oh yes, we didn’t want to intervene, we wanted to stay neutral (yuk, yuk, yuk) – as if they have ever NOT been intervening, here. “…But we wanted to stay neutral, you know, but we had to deal with those pesky Lizards…” And then, they’ll probably offer up a nice little DNA modification. “So oh, you know, we’d love to help you get your DNA back together, come on into our special little ‘chambers’.”
And I’m sure there will be a type of expansion that will be experienced, but it will be limited & it will strengthen that ‘Slave-Think’ mentality, as I call it. Where, we see them as our ‘Saviors’, as our ‘Superiors’, as the ‘Authority’, that we must listen to so they can govern us. And, it might be a nice ‘soft’ form of slavery, but it will still be a form of slavery, nonetheless.
George Kavassilas: Oh yeah, the playpen’s just going to expand. The borders & the boundaries of the playpen, they’re going to get really big – they’re going to go ‘cosmic’. And, because we’ve been in such a limited site for such a long time, people can’t see the borders anymore, cuz they’re going to go from planetary to being cosmic borders. And they’re going to think “totally free”. It’s a really good con.
Cameron Day: It’s a brilliant con. And they’ve set us very well for it. But, fortunately, we are a tricky bunch - us little humans, here. And, we tend to be very tenacious & get very upset when we find out we’re being deceived. And, as soon as we sense deception… I mean, not all of us, but a lot of us, as soon as we sense that, we grab a hold of whatever thread we can & we keep pulling & pulling & pulling, until we get some real truth.
And so, if any of those above scenarios do play out, I would encourage everyone not to go into those little ‘Healing Chambers’. Because, you might not like the end result. You might not even notice that you don’t like it for a very long time. But…
George Kavassilas: A very long time.
Cameron Day: Yeah. Somewhere along the way, you’re going to hit that dead-end. Or, really, even just realize that you are stuck in a hierarchy, you are enslaved to a hierarchy, you must take orders from the authorities above you. And those orders might be to manipulate & control & drain energy from the beings of another planet somewhere.
George Kavassilas: And the implementation of this authoritarian control… I feel people are not quite understanding how sophisticated that can be. When we look at Collectivism, I think is really important, you know, because its kind of their version of One-ness… their version of the Law of One. And the understanding of what it means to be One with everything. And what they’re creating is… their approach is more a collective hive-mind approach, rather than the natural order of being One with everything in life, of being in synchronicity & harmony with life. And so, the tool… cuz these beings, like you said earlier, Cameron, they’ve been around for a long time in this Universe. They’re really… they’re the best deceivers, manipulators & liars going around the Universe. We’ve wanted to become the best, so from a higher level, we contracted the best to challenge us as best as we could ever be challenged. And so, we got to realize just… On one level we need to have a healthy respect for their capabilities. And I feel once we do that, then we can really be able to overcome their challenges. Because, if we disrespect them completely, we have no regard for their capabilities, that’s when they’ve got you, really, because we’re still caught in perpetual game of resentment. And that internal division will continue to be within you, as a bang. So you’ll never actually overcome their programs as long you’re running that program.
So, once we understand how clever they are, you get to the point where you think, “Far Out!” So, the use of force for control in the Universe was the early days. There are beings that still do that, of course, because they don’t know any better, or haven’t progressed to more sophisticated levels of control. And when you start getting into the more sophisticated levels of control, you realized that they’re using Love against the people.
Cameron Day: Yeah. And what they’re doing is they’re starving everyone, right now—we’re in the starving phase—we’re being starved for love, so that they can then show up & appear to be loving. And we will just eat it up, because we have been missing that love for so long. We’ve been dwelling in darkness & separation for so long, that any little morsel of connected-ness & what feels like love, that we will just jump on it. George Kavassilas: Well, we see that, even in our everyday lives, when we’re out & about, and let’s say, I got more of Big George that becomes President, and I am just out & about… People just look at you, uhmm, some of them, you know, don’t feel comfortable with you at all. But you see the people that are yearning for love & how they just attach to you. LOL, you know, there just like Cling-ons, and all of a sudden they just want to tell you their life story, & you’re trying to walk away & they’re following you & they’re still talking to you—its kind of a very strange scenario that takes place. But it happens because of the subconscious yearning for love.
Cameron Day: Yeah, exactly. And I do want to come back also to the point you made – that we do need to have respect for their capabilities. And so, when I disrespect them, its so that we can kind of see them as contemporaries—see them as peers.
George Kavassilas: I don’t think you’re disrespecting them. I feel that you’re just stirring them. You know, you’ve got to… its like that friendly banter, you know. I’m just going to use Australian terms—you got to be able to take the piss out of each other. Do you know what I mean?
Cameron Day: Right.
George Kavassilas: …to sh*t-stir one another. Because they’re enamored with their self-serving light, the glamour, ego—you know, they can’t handle it too well, I’ve come to know.
Cameron Day: Yeah, exactly. But see, the tricky thing with them is that, every bit of their power really depends on us believing in their deceptions. So if we can see through their deceptions, their power diminishes greatly, to where all that they have left is naked force & aggression, which, as you’ve said, they don’t use because they’ve already learned that it’s not effective.
George Kavassilas: Well, it becomes obvious, too. They expose themselves too quickly.
Cameron Day: Exactly. Naked aggression is naked because there’s no hiding it, right?
George Kavassilas: What you have is—I talk about the ‘Three Layers of Deception’, or the ‘Three Layers of Program’ being implemented on the humanity. We got the First Layer, which is in place now. People call it the Illuminati, and all that sort of business, of the ruling/controlling cabal. And, then, what we have coming into play on the planet is pretty much the ‘new face’ of the ‘old guard’, which is… and they’re going to introduce to us—their Cosmic Brethren, right. So you’ve got these ETs, and what we call the Orion Nordics, and beings that I’ve personally interacted with—these quite attractive beings, that come across as fairly angelic & whatsoever, at times. But its still going to be the ‘New Face’ of the ‘Old Guard’. Its just going to morph. And its still going to have that authoritarian flavor to it. So that’s ‘Layer Two’ that’s in the process now of being implemented.
Now ‘Layer Three’, to me, is the one that’s more concerning, because once we’ve gone through, emotionally, the roller coaster of the transition Layer One to Layer Two, because that’s part of prophecy, as well, right? You’ve got the false-Christ that has to come, and what have you—you’ve got to question who writes these prophecies, because too much its been run like a movie script, really. That scenario, to me, or a version of that, not identical to the way its been written, but something close to that needs to play out. Because they’ve been working it for thousands of years. They’re not going to put thousands of years of implementing these ideas & concepts & imprinting it into our DNA, and into the psyche of humanity for such a long period of time. They’re not just going to let that go to waste. There’s an agenda at play, here. And so, these are scenarios that need to play out, because they have been preparing us for this, you know, to implement these parts of their plans. So, they’re not going to deviate from that too much. There might be variations on the original idea, but pretty much, the generalized concept is still going to be there.
And, Layer Two, once we’ve gone through that, we’re just going to be so emotionally, I would say, wasted, exhausted, that when Layer Three comes in, and they promise, you know, this incredible cosmic boundaries that no one can see, incredible technologies. Its going to be all about love. People are going to be farting rainbows & burping butterflies. Its just going to be utopian in its expression.
For me, that is the one to look out for. Because, its going to be more difficult to actually discern about the authoritarian nature. Because everybody is going to be smothered with love, see? Its going to need a whole different approach. And I feel that there’s one thing left after that... and it’s us… see?
We don’t need anybody to come between us & the consciousness of the planet. Or, us & the consciousness of the Sun. Or, us & the consciousness of the Galaxy, or the Universe. We don’t need anyone or anything to come between us & that. We are that. Do you know what I mean? So, as long you have this idea or this concept that wants to come in over the top of who & what we truly are, that is something to look out for.
Cameron Day: Exactly. And see, the demi-urge has levels within it. Right? So, when you’re going through levels of the demi-urge, you feel like you’re making progress. You feel like at every transition point, that each initiation to the next level, your boundaries get more & more expanded, and it feels like progress. But a lot of these beings, and this is part of the work that I do, because I am sending them message loud & clear that they are enslaved in their hierarchy. And if they doubt it, try disobeying their orders from above, and see what happens. Its not a good thing.
So, one of the things that I do, for the beings that are on these more refined levels, when I am clearing something out, especially clearing out agreements, these beings actually hold counter-party copies of the agreements. Meaning that they are holding a copy of that agreement & deriving energy from it… just a trickle, but when you have millions of these agreements in your personal possession, or your vault, you have a tremendous amount of energy flowing to you.
And so, when I am addressing these beings, and I am destroying those counter-party-agreements, I inform them that… well, first of all, they’re forbidden from ever trespassing on my energy again, or the energy of the person I am doing this for, or helping to facilitate that with, informing them that they are forbidden from ever usurping that person’s energy in any way, shape or form. Because they are in violation of Universal Law—the law of do not harm. Because they are stealing energy, they are thieving energy from people based on manipulation & deceit. And I inform them that if they continue to attempt to violate that person’s sovereign energy, they will be forcibly sent to core of the galaxy for transmutation. But if there is not enough, let’s say, ‘goodness’ left in them to salvage, then the result is that they are destroyed.