Re: Real Tongues, False Tongues and Healing by miss rainy ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 2/4/2014 5:41:48 PM ( 11 y ago)
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Hi Ed,
I promised you I would reply so here goes.
You said, "i also believe and have seen that many churches over-emphasize tongues and they believe it to be "the only" evidence of someone being baptized in the Holy Spirit which is a religious interpretation of scripture all its own, only this time from a different group of religious people. I have debated some pentacostals about this who actually don't believe an instantaneous one thousand times stronger love for the Lord is evidence of being immersed in the Holy Spirit."
I also believe others, who do not speak in tongues, may have received this baptism of the Holy Spirit. You and I both know that when we received this Baptism we saw a change in our lives, more power, more love and more on fire for Jesus. I do believe we have to continually seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit because He somehow leaks out of us if we don't. As far as the over-emphasis on tongues, I think they encourage people to receive this, but stop there so it does not really do people a lot of good in the long run. If they are not going to teach people the importance of using this gift and how to use it properly, people will just bury it and may even just use it to brag that they received it to feel superior to others. I believe that for every person who brags about it, that there are many more who keep quiet about it for various reasons like they are aware of the criticism they will receive, or they just don't want to displease the Lord with bragging knowing that is just a display of flesh. Some are humbled by it which is a sign of true spirituality.
You also said, "Except in rare examples as with the Chuck Smith testimony above among others, it's almost impossible to test the authenticity of tongues"
Yes, I too have heard many testimonies of people understanding the language of someone speaking in tongues today. Did you know that the authenticity of tongues has been tested today? John Sherrill in his book "They Speak with Other Tongues", conducted an experiment for his book. Remember, when he started out writing the book he did not believe that tongues was for today either, but changed his mind before he was finished with the book, due to all the evidence for it that he had collected by doing research for his book. Here is what I remember from reading the book. He brought in a language specialist. He also brought in people who could speak in tongues and people who could not. He had the language specialist evaluate what was spoken in tongues by those who spoke in tongues. He also had the language specialist evaluate the gibberish spoken by people who did not claim to speak in tongues. The language specialist was not told which was which. The language specialist clearly identified as a language what was spoken by those who spoke in tongues. The language specialist also clearly identified as gibberish what was spoken by those who did not speak in tongues.
Also, Ed, you know that people who truly do speak in tongues can clearly identify what they speak as a language even though they don't understand it. They know a certain language has a certain sound. They know when the Holy Spirit gives them a new language of utterance because they can hear the sound and the phrases change. They know when the Holy Spirit switches them back.
Peace and blessings to you as well!!!
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