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Starting dose by schnoz30 ..... Pyroluria Forum

Date:   1/20/2014 6:19:44 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   5,722

Hi Everyone-
I stumbled across Pyroluria studying Arthur Shawcross a famous serial killer who was reported to have the disorder. I curiously googled it and was amazed that I have so many of the symptoms! I cannot afford to go to any docs that do not take insurance and with my ADD (hopefully helped with treatment) I would likely never get around to finding a doc that takes my insurance who treats the disorder.

Bottom-line is that I have bought the P5P, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. Could anyone suggest a starting regimen as far as milligrams for each? I've looked and find different information.

I really hope this helps. I've struggled with ADD and addictions all of my life and have always known there was some specific reason my brain does not work like others. While I am successful, poor memory has made work so difficult.

Anyway, thanks and please don't give me a lecture for doing this myself! LOL.


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