Re: Please help figure out my hormonal depression! by Kellyc180 ..... Women’s Forum
Date: 12/6/2013 12:59:16 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 6,781
Thank you for all the advice so far, it sounds like it could be.
The only issue is my body really can't handle any more random diets and detox programs, I have tried so many in the last year to try and get back to my normal self (gluten free, liver detox, vegetarian, wheat and dairy free, candida diet).
I feel like my body is completely shot, as well as my mind. I know I am unwell and I feel so unwell mentally and physically. I have often felt like I would rather be dead than feel the way I do, however I don't want to go near anti-depressants because I know my body is unwell and trying to mask the Depression will stop me finding out what is wrong.
At times I am starting to think that I really need to work up the courage to end my life, because this isn't worth living through, this whole experience has made me so negative and unhappy, and its destroying my chance at having a career, and it is going to ruin the best thing I have - my partner.
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