Men do NOT paint your testicles with iodine by Deltasquaredj ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 11/30/2013 9:47:32 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 45,926
I have supplemented Iodine in the form of Lugols for years and have derived good benefit from on and off again supplementation. I then recently saw painting testicles and prostate to increase sex drive and virility. I normally have large testicles but my virility goes on and off so I decided to do it. I mixed Lugols with sesame oil and painted my testicles and penis. When I woke up in the morning my testicles were hard and shrunken and cold. Smaller than I ever remember. I am massaging them and once I get home I will take clomid to help restore them. This was 3 days ago and they are still not normal size but are slowly returning and morning erections are beginning again. My Not paint your testicles with iodine. Definitely causes severe issues either through too much oxidation or desensitizing them to lh or fsh.
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