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Re: Damn depression! by joegrane ..... Chelation: Andy Cutler Protocol Forum

Date:   11/19/2013 10:47:16 PM ( 11 y ago)
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I wish I could tell you there is a magic pill. Even in the heavy metal groups where you might think there would be a short list of things that work, it is not simple to find the right combo of interventions.

The following are four different experiences. The first two are rather classic Cutler Protocol recovery accounts.
The other two used Cutler's system but different methylation related or dietary interventions also had a major impact.

Middle aged female 2.25 yr update-- classic female Cutler recovery story.

R. Cartland, PhD Physics, classic male recovery story--cfs, mood problems, etc.

Middle aged male who lost his job due to Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome then got it back with a semi promotion. He used a combo of chelation and methylation support. B12 injections were huge for him however many are sensitive to even modest doses--I am one.

He lost his bipolar diagnosis with thyroid meds--link if requested.
He likes the book Mood Cure by Julia Ross for tips on treating Depression naturally, just beware of the suggestions that may not be so appropriate for those who are chelating.

Another middle aged male who benefited from chelation, low sulfur diet and methyl folate.

A male friend who has high lead and uranium on his hair test plus work related exposure to them had a seemingly improbably improvement in his anxiety and Depression from ADD stimulant medication! He has not yet removed Amalgam or started to detox. Apparently much of his psych problems were psychological. He was at risk of loosing his house and business in large part because he could not perform at his previous level. Once he was confident he could work his way out of financial trouble things got much better. The ADD medication allowed him to work.

I wish there was a simple answer. We have to continue to look for clues, work with our medical professionals, try some reasonable experimentation with appropriate supplements, diet, meds,and pray that we get it right.




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