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Re: Very sick, no answers, please help by shotsee ..... CFS, ME, CFIDS Alternatives Support

Date:   11/6/2013 1:15:08 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   1,031

Hi Jessica,

You are most welcome.

Dr. Cathcart wrote many times that the biggest single problem with people testing the efficacy of ascorbate was dosage size, i.e. not enough [per 24 hours].

As an example, if a doctor prescribed an Antibiotic to a patient, it would include both a dosage amount, and a dosage frequency [of administration]. If the patient decided to ingest only one-half of the prescribed amount, and/or only one-half of the prescribed frequency [of dosing], and then did not get good results [or the results they were hoping for], could we honestly say that the prescribed Antibiotic was proved of no [or little] worth?

In this regard, Dr. Cathcart also wrote that unless the [ascorbate] dosage approached the Bowel Tolerance limit of the patient, they rarely saw good results. I myself have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid everyday for the past 19 years, with nothing but the very best of health to show for it. I encourage you, Jessica, to explore and experiment with this most beneficial of antioxidants.

I wish you the best of success in solving your health problems!



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