Re: Help - Need to find Online Pharmacy by hopeful4ever ..... Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites
Date: 11/5/2013 9:28:50 PM ( 12 y ago)
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Thank you, Empowerment. I have been living in my own private hell dealing with this. My symptoms began while caring for a parent living in a care facility. Intense, severe anal itching which I never knew what it meant. Three years ago, my parent was diagnosed with bedbugs and we both received the lotion (apply from neck down). I washed with lice shampoo and would hold my hairdryer over my skin to burn them up. I had read that once you get bedbugs, you have them for life. So every few months I would feel the sensation of a tickling, itching on my skin in various places, most often on the back of my upper arms, and I would increase washing, etc, and it would go away for awhile. Most recently, I have come to the revelation that we never had bedbugs but rather this is what "scatter" must be.
Two years ago after sighting 2 1-inch flat white worms, my primary care physician gave me 1 dose of mebendazole (ridiculous), and she acted like this was normal. I passed 50 moving adolescents in a mass exit at one time - horrifying! The lab results from a stool sample had come back negative. I even went to an Infectious Disease doctor, and she asked me, "Do you know what I do? I care for AIDS patients. But whatever you had, the Mebendazole would have gotten it". This was her way of saying she had no experience - a single dose of mebendazole? Since I trusted my primary care doctor (foolishly so) that the medicine would completely take care of it, when I passed the 3rd 1-inch worm, I just let it go. I had a colonoscopy which was clear and I thought that was the end.
Throughout all this time, I had increased shoulder pain and significant loss of range of motion. Nausea and loss of appetite, yet cravings for sugar. I finally swallowed my pride and asked my new primary care physician for Mebendazole (100mg x 6 pills). After 2 weeks of not seeing anything, I coached myself, "Mind over matter". The very next day, I passed the 4-inch worm and panicked. My primary care physician gave me 2 additional prescriptions for Mebendazole (100mg x 6). My daughter caught this as well. The Pediatric Infectious Disease doctor told me that it was absolutely impossible for me to have gotten a prescription filled for Mebendazole, I humbly pulled it out of my purse. But she said that all of my daughters symptoms meant nothing and that until I can produce an adult worm, she will not be treated. I asked at what point do I come back and she told me when my daughter stopped growing. Seriously, as a parent my responsibility is to act much sooner than that. I finally got an appointment with another Infectious Disease doctor who laughed in my face literally and he told me that I was delusional and this was utterly impossible.
So I took Mebendazole (100mg x 6) ordered from e-bay from Sri Lanka. I inspected the packaging and it appeared to come directly from Janssen pharmaceuticals even if it had passed hands in between. I then pulled strings and travelled by plane to see another Infectious Disease physician after exchanging emails. He just repeated the stool test and told me that he would not treat me. He was at least respectful. However, how foolish again I was to even think that an Infectious Disease doctor would help me. He mumbled that it was probably pin worms. I have a news flash for all of these doctors, pin worms is not the only parasitic infection in the United States. I have wasted so much time and energy that I am completely exhausted and my spirit is deflated.
Two months ago, I had another colonoscopy and an endoscopy where they found nothing. But exactly 3 months since the last round of Mebendazole, I am passing mucus, and I feel them stinging on the surface of my skin, often on my scalp. White mucus from my nose is also returning. Sometimes there is white substance along the inside of my cheeks, but I am trying very hard to rinse with mouthwash thoroughly. I have found that if I spray my skin with hairspray, this lessens the sensation on my skin. I have begun taking cocunut oil baths. I have been taking the Black-Walnut tincture concoction.
In response to your post, I have reconsidered and may take only Albendazole, it seems to be a catch-all. I have been reluctant to treat myself, because if I were to get a validated diagnosis, then potentially my daughter could be treated. But I cannot continue in this state and am going to treat myself and hope and pray that her symptoms do not return although she showed me white substance she found in her mouth just yesterday.
I am planning to order the Albendazole from but need to get a pre-paid visa first. Will update when I receive the meds. I welcome suggestions on medications and other practices. Thank you again
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