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Older couple cured ourselves of Lyme Disease with water purifier drops WPD by #89541 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum

Date:   10/25/2013 1:24:09 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   9,609

I'm a Reiki Master and my husband and I are completely free of Lymes Disease using the MMS (also called Water Purification Drops or WPD).  Reiki is energy healing using Universal Life Force energy.


To kill off the Lyme disease bacteria -- We were taking up to 40 drops a day of the chlorine dioxide in glasses of water for several weeks.  Some days I got so sick that I had to go to bed and quit taking it until I go again. After we killed off about 50% of the bugs inside of our bodies, we then settled down on a high maintenance regime (about 8 -10 drops a day) for 2 years.


Now that we are healed of Lyme’s Disease-- We help people have a better life with energy healings and natural products at the Reiki Ranch. Buy MMS in the USA here:  If you want to purchase MMS and are located out of the USA -- we can still ship it as a water purifier, but we will have to hand process your order. Shipping is very high outside of the USA. Call or email us. We are just the "Mom and Pops" trying to share what we have found with others who want a natural helping hand up.


In healing your body – It is most important that your thoughts are very high and optimistic about the outcome! You need to see yourself well. You need to work on your mindset all the time. We people are mind programmed to get sick and die. Besides getting your body well again, you can manifest your other dreams:  We manifested 22 acres with lots of buildings/barns on it in Washington. We are living our dream using the Law of Attraction -- using organic gardening and natural health remedies. You can even creat a great home business and make money using the LOA.

If you or someone you know has Lyme/Spirochete infections -- you can start the MMS program for as little as $25 for a year's supply of WPD set plus shipping for $32.90 total in the USA or about double that for oversea shipping. Google the Reiki Ranch Store. The sodium chlorite 28% product makes chlorine dioxide when mixed with 50/50% critic acid. In only 20 seconds this mineral solution makes a natural powerful killer of bacteria, fungus, microbes, worms, etc. This product is almost free. That is why the Big Pharmacy is badmouthing MMS. They are afraid that they would lose money if this simple 80 year old product ever became mainstream. There are no bad side effects from using MMS except when too many bacteria die off too fast – so you simply back off a little when that happens.

We had had Lyme/Spirochete Disease for near 10 years and it acts like 300 other names diseases (it all might be just the Lyme/Spirochete infections and it is called by many names). It is very contagious and every member of the family could have it. I might look like acid reflux in one person and fibromyalgia in another. It is very hard to get your mind around the fact that it might have 300 names and be called other diseases - while all the time be the same bacteria chewing away inside of you. The WPD also cured Sleep apnea in Roi, while we were taking it for the Lymes Disease. I have acid reflux and it seems a little better, too!

Using muscle testing and talking to the body -- we figured out how to count the level of the Lyme/Spirochete infestation -- we can find out the actual % of the little critters left after using various kinds of treatments. We had such good results using WPD that we finally settled on using it -- this is Jim Humble's MMS (WPD) because it had lasting effects on Lyme’s Disease. Nothing else we tested worked 100%. They say that Lymes Disease is incurable!  What little do they know?

If anyone would like to know exactly what their spirochete infestation is -- we'd be glad to test him or her with Kinesiology -- like Dr. Hawkins taught in his book Power vs. Force. We were already doing this type of testing energy before we read his book, but it just re-enforced the process for us.

Once you know how fast a treatment is killing the Lyme/Spirochete bacteria -- then you can track your success using the WPD solution. I also used it against spinal meningitis and it took about a week using 3 drops every hour for 12 hours a day. Boy that sure saved my life! Many people never recover from meningitis and even die using the best hospital care available.

No one has ever died from using MMS -- and according to Jim Humble -- tens of millions of persons have had good results with MMS (WPD). We call it WPD because the FDA does not like the name of MMS! We all know that the FDA is controlled (bought and sold) by the pharmaceutical corporations... their perks are more important that people's health.

I think that David Icke's hands would be happier if he took the WP drops. I will personally give him a set if I had his shipping address.

Cheers everyone!
Hope this testimony help you, too!


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