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Prescript-assist probiotic - my opinion by jacgues ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   10/23/2013 6:58:11 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   4,434

This is my thrid day on high dosage of prescript-assist probiotic. I take 1-2 capsules 2 times a day.

1. I cant see any improvment in my immune function.
2. It helps me control my candida a little but no fireworks here.
3. It really enchances my bowel function and gives me really good mood.

It's not a miracle-probiotic supplement, which will heal your candida but when compared to most popular lactobacilus probiotics, its really effective.
It has not immidietly immediately and short effect in mood improvment like other products, which seems to disappear after few minutes like those bacterie where killed by candida or environment created by candida.
It is really possible that those soile-based bacteria can survive in the intense.

Im not amazed but its definitely a good product, worth a try. Real effect i should feel after few weeks of using prescript-assist but i can recommend it already. Cant wait to see what does it can in long-term peirod of time - i hope its still just warming up.

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