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Re: is drinking alcohol safe during the mc and if not what will happen if iam two days in do it? by figgy ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   5/28/2004 4:19:11 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   5,370

Personally, I wouldn't dare to drink, even though I'd love to have a couple this weekend, because as a few people have said, I've been extremely sensitive to everything while doing MC. Normally I'm like the bull elephant that needs 100 darts of sedative before being sedated. Now, I think a single drink would make me loopy.

My mother's secret for parties when she doesn't want to drink for some reason is to drink a glass of club soda with lime. It's not so good that you drink it fast so you can nurse it for a long time, and it looks like a drink so no one will bug you about not drinking.


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