Need Support 911! by solsearch ..... Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) Forum
Date: 10/6/2013 12:25:35 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 1,689
I am a female who lives in Los Angeles county, California suffering with this BO problem and I need to find at least one other person who lives near me that I can build a relationship where we support each other by telling one another if we smell or not. I only want to deal with a person who also has a BO issue because I don't trust anyone else. I have tried EVERYTHING and everytime I think I'm getting better I hear someone say that something smells and it's back to a place of hoplessness. I am a positive person though and I will NEVER give up trying to find answers because I love life too much and I can still see myself in a relationship with a man and living a normal life. But I want to LIVE NOW before it's too late. I guess I have been afraid to meet with someone off the internet because I don't want to be "catfished" as they say. I don't want to meet some evil person or weirdo who just wants to satisfy their curiosity or have a laugh at my expense. I'm willing to take a risk at this point, but I will go about this very cautiously. If you are in my area please send a message.
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