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Re: Infected Root Canal Symptoms I experienced by ghrrr ..... Root Canal Tooth Forum

Date:   9/22/2013 4:21:05 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   107,948

Thx a lot for your reply Fondues, i really appreaciate it...i'm from Indonesia, is there any MD doctor in singapore or penang that can do ozone injection ? i really don't have much information about MD doctor and this ozone injection treatment, and it seems there is no MD doctors/ozone injection treatment in Indonesia...NIHA in Washington is too far away from my country, could you please help me to find an MD doctor in singapore/penang for ozone injection ? Really sorry to bother your time but i really have no idea where to find MD doctor for ozone injection

This is my gritty eyelid historical when having a root canal treatment :

The endodontist inject the teeth with NaOCl(Sodium Hipocloride) for the first time…and when the endodontist do ledermix+cavit for the second time, my eyes feels something strange…After endodontist inject calcium hydroxide for the third time, this gritty eyelid started for the first time and no doubt after the endodontist inject calcium hydroxide for the forth time, it become worse…After that, suddenly I have a severe influenza for 1 week and 4 days, the mucus is very thick and green, I sneeze a couple of times everday and never fail to get the thick green mucus out, but there is one time when I fail sneezing to get the mucus out from my left nose and I can really feel the mucus suddenly goes up to my left eyelid through the blood vessel, immediately my left eyelid hurt and my left neck is painful…From that moment on, my left eyelid is painful and there is a mucus stuck in my left eyelid plus the neck pain on the left side…I go to ENT and do CT Scan sinus paranasal, the ENT doctor said there is no sinus in my eyes

I can’t hold it anymore so I went to see an ophthalmologist, she said my eyes is healthy, no gritty eyelid, no dry eyes and no problem at all, she gave me cendo hyalub, mecobalamin and natto 10, the result is still gritty in my eyelid and uncomfortable on my left eyelid…After the endodontist inject calcium hydroxide for the fifth time, gritty eyelid became even worse, my endodontist told me to see an ophthalmologist, I said I did and the opthalmologist said my eyes is OK…After the endodontist inject calcium hydroxide for the sixth time, gritty in my eyelid became super worse, my vision become blurry and a lot of pain every time I blink, I can’t hold it anymore and go again to ophthalmologist, she pull my eyelid up and said there is no sand in my eyelid, no dry eyes also but I have keratitis, she gave me floxa and eyefresh eyedrops…the result my vision become better but the gritty eyes is absolutely still there, it didn't get any better at all...what makes my vision blurry is the gritty eyelid and pain everytime I blink...I came back to the ophthalmologist and she said my keratitis is already OK…I said NO! It is still gritty eyelid, she pull my eyelid up and again said there is no sand in my eyelid and told me my eyes is already OK

The seventh time the endodontist inject Sodium Hipocloride(NaOCl), the result is gritty eyelid plus headache, and the eight time and the ninth time the endodontist inject calcium hydroxide : I told my endodontist that the sand in my eyelid ALWAYS give a reaction from the beginning when calcium hydroxide is injected but the endodontist said it has nothing to do with root canal…then my gritty eyelid became super worse, so I give up the root canal treatment…by the way, the result of the root canal is a failure after more than 5 months, I have all the x-rays to prove it…I go again to an ophthalmologist, she pull my eyelid up and again said there is no sand but I have scleritis and my oil gland at the eyelid border is stuck, she gave me polynel, troboson, methylprednisolone 8mg and doxycycline 100mg, the result is still gritty eyelid, and troboson make my eyelid swell(worse) in the morning so I stop troboson, methylprednisolone make me uncomfortable but I force myself to eat it…And because the abcess is still there after root canal failure, so I decided to extract the teeth…After I pull out the teeth and the abcess is cleaned, the gritty eyelid and pain in my left eyelid never get worse again but not yet recovered

Then I go to an allergy and immunologist doctor, he said I have sjogren syndrome and must use high dose of methylprednisolone, 8mg of methyprednisolone that the ophthalmologist gave me is not enough, so he gave me methylprednisolone 24mg/day, I eat it for a week because the doctor said it needs at least 7 days for the medicine to work…This is the worst drug I have ever had ! The effect is so bad from the first day I took it : sweat all over my body, gain 10 kg in a week, inflammation in cheek, neck, chest, stomach, and I have to hold this uncomfort inflammation for every second, become Depression for no reason, mood is very bad, my gum really hurts and still many more…This medicine is soooo wrong! I regret forcing myself to eat that medicine for a week…He give me another medicine called methotrexate, I don’t believe him so I go to another doctor for second opinion, and after he make a comprehensive test, the result is I don’t have a systemic disease or sjogren syndrome, he said never eat methylprednisolone and methotrexate, it’s wrong!

My gum still hurts because of methylprednisolone so I have a gum tissue biopsy, the result is really strange : there is a piece of bone inside and inflammation cell gum tissue…So I decide to have a 4 molar teeth surgery with total anasthesi, the doctor said ok, but then again this gritty eyelid, left eyelid pain and left neck pain is still there after the surgery…and a week after the 4 molar teeth surgery, there is lump in my upper middle gum where the 3 teeth are extracted, it hurts when the lump is touched, after the oral surgeon checked he said this is a bone(strange, again it’s another bone), so the oral surgeon do a gum surgery/alveolectomy and flatten the bone, he said the shape of the bone is like pyramid and hurt the gum…then there is one doctor said that calcium hydroxide can become hard and become bone, from that statement I suspect that maybe calcium hydroxide go into my blood vessel from the teeth and go to the eyelid and maybe become a little pieces of bones and make tissue necrosis in the body and eyelid...or maybe calcium hydroxide is a foreign substance inside my blood vessel…beside that, I’m sure there is a thick mucus inside my left eyelid blood vessel…then I went to another ophthalmologist, after I told my symptoms she gave me flumetholon and tears naturale 2, but still no result

So I went again to another ophthalmologist, this time Phd ophthalmologist, after I told my symptoms he gave me genteal and augentonic, he also told me to stop polynel because it’s a steroid…The result : augentonic make it worse so I stop augentonic, and after I use genteal for a month, there is one time when sand comes out from my eyelid, the sand is white, hard and sharp, I give it to the ophthalmologist, he said this is crystal but I suspect that is a little piece of bone from calcium hidroxide…After some sand come out, the gritty eyelid become better but not yet recovered, especially the mucus in my left eyelid…the next day in the morning there is a dot of little green wet mucus come out only on my both eyes, I go back to the Phd ophthalmologist and he gave me vasacon-a but after I try it once, it make super worse, suddenly sneezing, feel like getting flu, my neckpain on the left side become worse, eyes also become hurt and watery, this is the worst eyedrops that I have ever had…I immediatlely put on genteal eyedrops every an hour to make it better a little bit, then I go back again to the Phd ophthalmologist but he said don’t know what medicine to give anymore and told me just continue taking genteal eyedrops

Then I go to Singapore mount elizabeth ophthalmologist, she give me augmentin 625mg, Bausch and lomb, optive UD, restasis :
- Everytime I use optive UD make my gritty eyelid worse when I blink and doesn't get any better
- Everytime I use Bausch and lomb make my eyelid and eyebags swell, mood became bad for no reason(i am not a moody man, never been moody in my whole life)
- Everytime I use restasis make my eyes hurt, itchy, burn and there is like a lot of needle sting my eyelid, the mood become worse after taking restasis, the pain in my left neck and left eyelid didn’t get any better
- After 6 days, my eyeball became very red, water often comes out from the eyeball, the eyelid and eyebags swell and makes constant uncomfortable, my eyelid and eyeball became painful if i bow my head down

i immediately go to an opthalmologist and told my symptoms, she pull my eyelid up and said it's lithiasis and have to remove the lime deposits inside my eyelid using a needle and with anasthesi.

i don't believe her and immediately find another opthalmologist for second opinion, he said to stop bausch and lomb, also stop restasis...This is a chronic blefaritis and must take a long time to recover...But deep down inside i know that it's not an opthalmologist that i must find, now that i know there is an MD doctor that can do ozone injection, i would like to try it, but NIHA in Washington is too far away from my country

It's been a long journey to cure these symptoms and now my vision is a little blurry but no opthalmologist understand...i really hope you can help me to find an MD doctor that can do ozone injection in my gum where the rabbit teeth had been extracted, cause it's the main problem of all these symptoms, thx a lot Fondues

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