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Re: 30 years in and OUT, by MH by Ohfor07 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   8/14/2006 10:10:08 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,563

About the best advice for those without insurance - do not get ill. This includes not getting seriously banged up, like car crash, falling off a roof or down stairs.

Avoid establishments, using the term literally and figuratively. For instance, places like what goes these days as grocery markets, doctors offices, hospitals, airports, shopping malls and municipal water (tap). Avoiding these is no guarantee but will be a good hedge against getting ill, especially physically ill. Further avoiding things like TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and movie theaters will further insulate one from the ravages of mental illness, especially subtle mental illnesses that comes with false realities regularly and routinely implanted and engrained by the media.

How realistic is this prospect? Your mileage may vary....or in other words, it probably depends in part on how deep into the web of modern establishment life one is at the time it occurs to them that it may be aworthy idea to pursue a life that is closer to the edges of the establishment web; EDIT: it may also depend in part on how far OUT you are willing to venture?......the thought of the potential wisdom of - changing one's horse midstream, comes to mind. It may also be worth noting that a typical response engrained into most of us is to seek and consult the practitioners and purveyors within establishment upon getting ill, even when a rational view shows the same as a major influence in becoming ill in the first place.....and there is probably a bit of truth to the adage - no man in an island. To one extent or another, for one reason or another, people are unwilling or unable to go through life avoiding these. Chances are good one will at some point become ill; then what to do? It doesn't hurt to have a safety net of knowing a few people and friends who also know a bit about how to treat problems.

There is a somewhat recent adage - a Robert Jordanism, paraphrased, if you will, that with the passage of time, recent events become legend, as time continues these legends become myth, and as more time passes, past events (the actual events) and the heroes and actors that brought them to be are pretty much lost and completely forgotten except perhaps for what may remain as the fanciful or exagerated tail / story / lore and misnomers of some long ago far away time.....and the wheel of time continues to turn, over and over, and history - ages come and go and repeat, cycles of ages, events, and the players/people also come, go and eventually come all the way back around and repeat.

Reading the history of Southern Belle's ancestors, the thought occured that it was not all tha tlong ago that most of us had ancestors living a mostly self-sufficient life, but for many of us, it may be difficult to read such witnessing without the thought coming to mind "did this really happen the way it was desribed or is there an element of fairy tale or myth included?" No offense, Southern Belle, I really enjoyed and appreciated that bit of your ancestor's history.... too bad more of us have not learned how to remain more like them. For many of us, the story of our ancestors may have already descended into something along the lines of lore or legend, with many of the facts forgotten, mixed up, mistaken in the re-telling, lost, and confused, with myth right around the corner of the passage of the next few generations.

"hey, let's all be careful out there!".


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