Re: What to do about PMS... by DBLC ..... Nutritional Balancing for Adrenal Fatigue
Date: 9/5/2013 8:20:45 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 1,549
1. I'm not consistent with mag. I did take it since like March and then stopped for a month, and then back on and then off. And now I use the TEI "magnesium plus" (with b6) and do 3 a day so 300mg
2. I am doing a digestion protocol and not on much NB. I also take chaste tree (vitex) and have been for two months but I haven't noticed any differences. I take Neem for the Lyme's and some Grapefruit-Seed-Extract (grapefruit extract) for fungal.
3. My last cal/mag was from March so I just did a retest but haven't gotten results back yet, but I will look it up.
4. I have many BMs per day. Like at least 1 and as many as 3. I think if I take 3 mag I go more. I don't always take 3 mag.
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