Re: Bible Origins by #174156 ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 8/28/2013 11:30:47 AM ( 12 y ago)
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"The Professors, from whom you study these writings, must have gotten their PHDs from cracker jack boxes. Try asking the living God where the Bible came from to see if you can get a truthful response. Ask Him sincerely. He will hear you cry out to Him."
First and foremost God does not have a gender. God is neither "He" nor "She" because God is spirit.
Why do you deny the scientific conclusions of scholars?
I communicate with God on a daily basis - a two way communication. We have discussed this subject many times and She points out that Jesus gave an answer to the question thousands of years ago - "Neither look here nor there, because the kingdom of God is within you."
While you're at it tell me why the New Testament is written in Greek? Jesus taught in Aramaic. The only early bible books written in Aramaic have been thrown out by the Roman creators of the New Testament. Also tell me why the forged books attributed to Paul (who happens to have been a Roman) have been left in the bible when seven of them are known to be written by anonymous writers?
That's just for starters. If we go to the Old Testament it gets even wilder yet.
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