The subconscious is the layer of the mind that is in-between the unconscious & the conscious mind. The subconscious contains repressed & suppressed emotions. This is basically caused due to the societies in which we all live. To totally be oneself is not acceptable according to the society. In order for many people to live together in a society, the society has conditioned each of its members to suppress, to repress, certain emotional expressions.
For example, one usually cannot so easily get authentically angry (express anger) with their boss, otherwise they will probably end up on the unemployment lines seeking welfare privileges. As a result, one usually buries this anger, and throws into the basement of the mind. This is what the subconscious is. It is the basement of the mind that accumulates emotions that are prevented from being naturally expressed.
Over time the subconscious will build up with this unexpressed energy. Energy is meant to move, if it doesn't move naturally, it will find ways to move unnaturally. And most certainly it will find a way to move, and that way, more often than not, will take on a perverted form.
The imagination will be the mind’s tool for this expression. Seeing, imagining, devils &/or demons, and images that are not physically real, will often times be the outcome. And certainly spiders, imaginary or not, will fit that bill.
I suspect that these etheric spiders that you are witnessing have something to do with this repressed or suppressed energy. Everyone has this repressed, suppressed energy to one degree or another. The subconscious mind attempts to release some pent-up energy. It is part of the unconscious mind which is said to be 9 times greater than the conscious mind.
There are ways that you can consciously encounter your unconscious mind, i.e. the demon spiders. You many want to try a certain method of meditation which will bring forth the unconscious so that you can experience it consciously. And this method is called the mirror meditation. I can suggest to do the following:
At night, before you go to bed, close the doors of your room and put a big mirror in front of you. The room must be completely dark. Then put a small flame by the side of the mirror in such a way that the flame is not directly reflected in the mirror. Just your face should be reflected in the mirror, not the flame.
Stare constantly into your own eyes in the mirror. Do not blink. This is a forty-minute experiment, and within two or three days you will be able to keep your eyes from blinking for the whole forty minutes. Even if tears come, let them come, but still do not blink and go on staring into the eyes.
Within two or three days you will become aware of a very strange phenomenon: your face will begin to take on new shapes. You may even be scared. The face in the mirror will begin to change; sometimes a very different face will be there -- one which you have not known as yours. But all the faces that come to you belong to you.
After one week of this constant practice -- staring for 20, 30 or even 40 minutes every night -- your face will look to be in a constant flux. Many faces will be coming and going constantly. After a few weeks you will not be able to remember which one is your face. You will not be able to remember your own face, because you have seen so many different faces coming and going.
If you continue, then one day, after three weeks or so, the strangest thing will happen: suddenly there will be no face in the mirror! The mirror will be vacant. You are staring into emptiness; there will be no face there at all.
At this moment, just close your eyes and encounter your unconscious. When there is no face in the mirror, just close the eyes. This is the significant moment: close the eyes, look inside, and you will face the unconscious. You will be naked, completely naked – as you are; all deceptions will fall.
This is your reality, but living in a society has created so many layers in order that you will not be aware of it. And once you know yourself in your nakedness, your total nakedness, you will begin to be a different person. Then you cannot deceive yourself; now you know what you are.
With this exercise, you will at least become familiar with the workings of your unconscious. The more you practice this exercise, the more you will become familiar with the strange working of you own mind. Become familiar with it, understand it, come to know it, and many things that you have once feared will evaporate from view.