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Re: B-mannanase availability??? by ericbakker ..... Ask Dr Eric Bakker

Date:   8/26/2013 6:40:21 PM ( 12 y ago)
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It is dangerous to make any assumptions with candida, the beast called yeast. yeasts are the most complex of all infectious agents ever studied, more complex than bacteria, viruses and just about any parasite. Each of the several hundred strains of the more than 80 (yet identified) candida species can produce literally millions of individual antigens. Is it any wonder a person with CRC develops brain fog, inflammation, pain, many and varied immune dysfunctions, etc, etc.?
I have been recently studying candida and auto-immunity, and have noticed that with successful candida treatment, suppressor cells can be boosted from less to 1% to more than 15%, causing a remarkable reduction in auto-antibody levels.

As far as ammonia and chlorine are concerned, most chronic candida sufferers notice sensitivity, but they also notice this with a wide variety of potential chemical and various other triggers. This is normal with a suppressed immunity, and improves over time. As the GI tract improves, so does the immunity over time, and eventually the periphery (brain fog, etc) and the chronic patient slowly gets better.

Diabetes and candida? absolutely, there is a link, abnormal blood sugar levels can certainly keep candida highly active for prolonged periods of time and increase the chronicity of the yeast related illness.

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