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Parasites in the whole body!!! HELP!!! by selly1991 ..... Parasites: Protozoa

Date:   8/19/2013 7:01:14 PM ( 12 y ago)
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Hi, I'm 21 and I can feel something moving in my legs for almost 2 years now!
Not to mention the continuing white stretch marks that I get, even on my knees, and HURT, and come out for no reason. more and more, I even have some on my breasts! and these are strange stretch marks, not ones, that first are red, then white, they come out immediately white! and I've never had weight issues!
I used to have also a lot of pain in the legs, and the circulation, but a natural doctor made it much better with the Zapper! I have the next appointment in 3 weeks!
I also had a helicobacter, and took Antibiotics , and now it's better, but start to feel again some symptoms, even if the doc made the test and said I don't have it anymore!
Also since 7 months, I have to urinate very often, and was constantly thirsty! I'm NOT diabetic!
Now I'm taking a a homoeopathic treatment, lymdiaral, and the constant thirst has gone, but I still go quite often to pee! I had done a test a few months ago, and the doc told me that I have a contamination, but nothing to worry about! O.o

My natural doc said that it's probably parasites, he helped me a lot already with the zapper in the past!
i've never done a colon cleanse, but I'm planning to do one and take the homoeopathic treatment: Cuprum oxidatum nigrum!
I DON't want to take strong medication!
Does this work?
I'm so fed up feeling soo creepy at my age! it's so disgusting and horrifying, and almost everyone just thinks it's all in my head!
I can't put up with this constant moving anymore!!! especially in my legs!! it's ruining my life, and this natural doc costs a lot of money that I don't have! and my family is getting fed up to support me, without knowing the real ugly feelings I have!
Please give me some advice!!!

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