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Need some support/advice! by #171689 ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   8/15/2013 6:19:24 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   1,869

Hi all,

I have just received my Iodine today and I'm trying to heal a few things, mainly Acne scars- couple of keloids, small indented scars, little white marks/lines, open/ scarred pores- but also some moles, freckles and funny bumps.

My scars are all over my face so I will have to start slowly, probably applying it topically on the moles on my body and on a little patch on my face, but I have a few questions.

I bought Lugol's 7% because I couldn't get my hands on 5% but I think it will be fine seeing as I plan to dilute it with coconut oil. Do you think this is ok? I read about wombat's cream and see that it is a mixture of oils with iodine.
I obviously cannot cover my face with plastic so this will have to do.

Also, a couple of months ago, I had laser treatment on my face and was wondering if you think it is safe to start treating it with iodine. I was quite dissappointed with the laser's result tbh.

Lastly, as I plan to apply it topically, is it necessary to take the additional supplements? I can't really afford to buy a load of supplements and there is so much different advice saying you have to take all sorts of things.

Anyway I would appreciate any advice you have for this. Thank you.


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