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Re: ghosts, haunted lakehouse by mh ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   7/15/2006 8:16:25 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,196

Many of the people I have talked to usually had ghost friends of ones who died by falling down stairs or even murdered, etc. I have never talked to anyone that was ever harmed. I have talked to a few who were scared,even my old Grandmother's house use to have foot steps run down the stairs and they always ran out of the house and were too scatred to stay and see what/who was making the noises. I know one gal who's Grandfather blew his head off with a shotgun, at the moment of death both she and her brother seen him in their bedroom and they lived 1,000 apart, sadly the image decided to stay at the grand daughter's house and she commonly sees him playing with the toys in the spare bedroom or walking around the house, she has zero fear of him. Many people I've known say they commonly spoke with the ghost in their houses, some used the weegee board to have daily conversations with ghost for many years.

I personally believe the original Spirit of the person who died is long gone and the so called ghost are not what people think they are, I believe it has far more to do with the person seeing the ghost than the ghost being a so called ghost. I also think the people in the business of dealing with ghost are not someone I would let in my house. There are allot of freaky things in this world and they mostly happen to freeky people; are they intuned or just having problems???? The air flows with such spirits and these things can do no harm to healthy humans and if anything they are here to help and not scare us. We are just as much apart of the Spirit World as all Spirits are and to me it would be foolish to believe a human or group of humans think they have the power to send a "SPIRIT" to God or anywhere else.

Spirits are doing what they must and to believe we have the power to change their course; would also lead to the speculation that we could be changed by their intervention with us. I think those taking drugs or so ill death is near are out of control of their body and certain spirits can take over. Also anyone under the influence of alcohol experiences such things, when too much alcohol is in the body the electricity does not flow correct, this electricity is your Spirit and your spirit can no longer guide or protect the body and dumb things happen, even death at times. Those in good health have no worries, those that don't obey God's Laws have all kinds of problems, it us to be called Murphies law. If your living bad, bad things come your way, we all reap what we have sewn.

We have tv shows that have people who believe they can witness anything bad in the past history; example: a building burns down and dozens or hundreds have burned alive. 150 years later a psychic states he can still see all of these burn victims in the hall ways of a brand new building that was built on the same spot where many died.

My theory is these people who see such things were there or are the dead people them selves and are just reliving old memories of their own. I do not believe the dead people are there, that in fact they were set free the moment of death and NEVER need that body again. "IF" you see that body in ghost form, odds are you were that person or was a witness, because others can not see the ghost because it is a memory and not a real thing. The people with special cameras and electronics and listing devices, etc. never capture a spirit, there are no ghost busters that I know of that are real.

Every town has a haunted house, as teens it was cool to visit all these haunted houses after midnight (crazy country kids!!!), castles with curses witten in stone, to haunted grave yards with glowing stones, etc. and no one ever seen or experienced anything ever.

"IF" spirits had the power to enter a healthy human, this world would not be worth living in. The normal human has no worries about such things. The movies love these stories.


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