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Re: This Just Might Be Karma by #116323 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   7/23/2013 1:15:55 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   1,795

Hey I'm so sorry to hear that. That's funny you mention karma bc I have asked myself that several times I must have done something so wrong in my past to deserve such a ugly humiliating issue such as this. This bo has consumed my life I'm always smelling myself and if someone sits by me on the bus bc I also take the bus alot to get to work etc. so if someone sits by me I feel like there's some hope maybe they don't think I smell that bad or maybe best case scenerio they don't even notice my bo. Ugh I don;t even know what to think anymore all I know is this bo has had a very negative impact on my life it's surreal. At work alot of people keep their distance will not sit by me so called friends say hi to me but will sit far from me to me those are not real friends. I know how you feel:(I just sometimes don't even want to wake up anymore the emotional torment of this bo is just too much people make us a joke think it's funny and think we are embarassing like do they think we want to live like this hell no we want to have normal lives like everybody else. I try my best to see the good in my life but this bo has fogged my mind with so much negativity. Then being a attractive female only makes things worse bc people can't believe someone so attractive could have such a humiliating issue like this. I have cussed people out and defended myself bc I am a very clean person probably cleaner then alot of the idiots that talk about me and laugh at my bo. I know I smell and I'm so embarassed by it sometimes I can't believe I leave the house bc of the humiliation that comes along with this bo but I always keep my head high and remind myself I have good hygiene like everyone else and have nothing to be ashamed of it's not my fault I have a bo issue I can't help, I take 2 showers a day, wear deordorant and perfume. Like some people literally hate me bc of my issue one of my coworkers said the other day I'm not sitting in this area no more referring to the area I was sitting in bc it stinks so bad I don't want anyone thinking I didn't take a shower. I wanted to yell at him and say you idiot you truely think I put makeup on and make myself look so attractive but don't take a shower he is such a mean person I can't stand him but I know God is gonna punish him. Alot of the people who have picked on me bc of my issue I have seen pay with God. Take care I know it's so hard it hurts so much emotionally. I just can't believe how cruel people can be it's surreal:(

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