BOB BECK PROTOCOL SEEMS TO BE WORKING! Real Proof! by mattleecarter ..... Dr. Bob Beck Forum
Date: 7/16/2013 3:13:39 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 6,331
Hey all!
Ill keep this short and sweet. Im 23 years old / MALE / Syd.Australia.
I have been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for about 11months now.
It is now believed from my Gastroenterologist and GP and after a Liver Biopsy, 2 Ultrasounds and 1 MRI scan, That I have had Light-Mild Liver inflammation which is causing my fatigue. The cause of the inflammation is unknown and as been classified as Unknown Hepatitis. I have been also cleared for all Hepatitis and Known Viruses. I have had Glandular Fever a few years back and positive for the antibodies.
So all they could say really was it from either from a toxic/bad use of Paracetamol or a unknown Virus
I started using the bob beck in MARCH 2013.
My Liver Function Blood Test Diary: ( a normal ALT is 5-40 )
MARCH 2012 - ALT 60
MAY 2012 - ALT 65
AUG 2012 - ALT 70 ( when my fatigued became chronic )
SEPT 2012 - ALT 80
OCT 2012 - ALT 92
FEB 2013 - ALT 264, AST 79, GGT 49
FEB LATE 2013 - ALT 328, AST 94 GGT 49
MARCH 1st Started Bob Beck Procotol
MARCH 8th 2013 - ALT 346, AST 103, GGT 60, LD 269
MARCH late 2013 - ALT 260
APRIL 2013 - ALT 242
JUNE 2013 - ALT 148 AST 42
Next results soon.
Id like to know everyones thoughts ?
I am to believe that the protocol has done something, for the first 2 months I was even more fatigued and had all the common detox symptoms.
Talk soon!
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