Re: Iodine fountain of youth? by Wondergirl77 ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 7/14/2013 7:50:05 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 2,253
OK, thanks, that does make sense. I found something else relevant to this subject. Excerpts:
by Bruce West, Health Alert. July 2006, Volume 23, Issue 7
(To order the Health Alert newsletter, call 831-372-2103.
100 Wilson Rd., #110, Monterey, CA 93940-5753)
We placed an 83-year-old woman on orthoiodosupplementation [iodine therapy]
for six months at 50 mgs of elemental Iodine daily. She experienced a
tremendous increase in energy, endurance, well being, and memory. At six
months all her skin peeled off and was replaced by new, younger-looking skin.
She was flabbergasted and amazed at her new appearance.”
-- Guy Abraham,
MD, Endocrinologist
Over the past year I have been using Iodine therapy for people with a variety
of problems. After the therapy, I continually noticed that older women were
becoming more youthful, less depressed, stronger, and more energetic. I
compared notes with Dr. Abraham, a former professor of ob/gyn endocrinology at
UCLA. He is considered the premiere thyroidologist in the country, receiving
countless awards in his field. Dr. Abraham confirmed my observations
by saying, “in our experience older women (especially over 65) noticed a major
difference both physically and mentally. The most consistent responses have been
improved memory, absence of ‘brain fog,’ regular bowel movements in those who were
constipated, and improved skin texture.” He then told me
the story of the woman in the quote above who got “new skin” from her Iodine therapy.
There is no doubt in my mind that lots and lots of women need iodine. And
they need high doses for a period of three to six months to achieve iodine fulfillment (when the body
has all its iodine needs met and begins to excrete the surplus iodine in the urine). Dr. Abraham
reports that, on average, women who need this therapy do best at 50 mg of iodine daily.
After a week, the procedure of increasing the dose starts again and continues
until the initial problems and symptoms (whether they be heart arrhythmia, cold,
exhaustion, constipation, “brain fog,” cystic breasts, etc.) cease. Symptom relief
usually occurs somewhere between five and 15 tablets daily. Once achieved,
the dose is maintained for three months. Thereafter, the dose is slowly tapered
back to two to three tablets per day.
Remarkable Results
We hear daily about “new, astounding” products that claim to make you
younger, stronger, mentally sharper, and more beautiful. These unabashedly
exaggerated claims are made about all kinds of questionable products. Although
I was not looking for a “fountain of youth” (I was more interested in the heart-
arrhythmia and iodine connection), I have stumbled onto the real thing for some
people. Some of my patients have even had a voice change from an ‘old person”
to a “new, younger person” voice. It is all quite exciting and rewarding. I no
longer have any doubt that:
Iodine is a critical nutrient and one that many, many people are deficient
Iodine is needed for a smooth heartbeat.
Iodine is necessary for a healthy thyroid and anyone on thyroid medication
needs iodine therapy.
Iodine in some people can make them stronger, clear-minded, and more
This is just a short list of the types of problems iodine therapy might help. For
a comprehensive list and most thorough information about iodine therapy, send
us a self-addressed envelope with two stamps and say IODINE THERAPY. If
you are about to embark on iodine therapy, be sure to ask for my free flyer. I’ll
see that you get the information you need. Iodine therapy is not as completely free
from side effects as are the typical phytonutrients supplements we use.However,
when compared to medical treatments, thyroid drugs, and all the rest, iodine is very,
very safe. Simply proceed with caution, follow the directions in my flyer vigilantly,
and carefully monitor your results. If you are like most of our patients, you will be very
pleasantly surprised. If you are like a few, you will be absolutely thrilled—or
should I say flabbergasted?!
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