Re: Ohio sting nets some Amish guy who sold a gallon of raw milk in an unmarked container by mh ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 6/29/2006 7:22:29 AM ( 19 y ago)
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The people we have came across that have been apart of the system, all have one common thing they speak of; FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a government that dwells upon FEAR, if if they have to blow up their own buildings and murder thouands of their own people, as long as it PRODUCES the FEAR FACTOR, to the government it is worth it.
The 9/11 and Ok was a well planned FEAR FACTOR with 2 goals.
1. OIL
2. Vaccinations
The BOSS FAMILY got the oil their daddy set out to get and failed earlier, but the MDS/NURSES didn't go along with premature death via the vaccination. There are too mds envolved in the MURDER of South Africa and they have seen how their vaccines can murder entire countries, so when bug daddy wanted the doctors to roll up their sleeves and be the first ones to take the shots after 9/11 it failed to work. So now the chem trail programs take little NANO drugs and mix them in our air above and we all get vaccinated if we want it or not. Thanks to the all mighty dollar system companies will murder their own people in exchange for $$$$$ that alows them to live offshore in million dollar homes and a few Yahts parked out front.
The MASON WAY over the centuries in all the names they have went by all have ONE THING IN COMMON, "get the people to believe the opposite of the truth". What is wrong is believed as truths and the truth can get you in jail, that is the American Way of life since world war I - when the Masons gained power over the world and the dark ages once again were in full force and growing stronger every year since until TODAY the populations are so dumbed down with chemicals in their air/water/food that they do not care that their lives are being shortened in the name of the MASON WAY. They don't realize the HARVARD books of the past have reached their goals of CONTROLING THE "STOCK". The Mason Way would like the world to believe they are protecting the differant races, where in reality they have murdered in the name of race extinction more in the past 30 years than ever in history via poison. WORLD WAR againt the average human is at a all time high, but public education would have people believing their governments LOVE THEM and are PROTECTING THEM with all the powers of GOD. MASON MONEY loves to use the word "IN GOD WE TRUST" while the opposite is done.
An example of recent local MASON POWER:
WALMART being created by The UNITED NATIONS, which was created by the U.S.A. mason government has consumed the USA. A local JUDGE (mason)new where the NEW WALMART wanted to locate, she purchased the land at a huge price and then the fellow masons building the walmarts promptly purchased the land from her at a profit that most humans don't make in a lifetime. WHY didn't the masons just buy the land in the first place???????????? It is quite simple, when you come to town to destroy it, who do you PAY OFF?????? The local judges/cops/lawyers WAL-MART takes care of its fellow masons so they will aid in the destruction of all who stands in the way of WALMART. WALMART owns many of the stores that goes by many names such as sears, krogers,K-mart, etc. When you see a walmart going up, all their sister companies show up as well. THE STUPID CONSUMER is not bright enough to see that the UNITED NATIONS has consumed most of the stores where they shop, WHY???????? BECAUSE of the use of "DUMBING" metals like aluminum/flourides/titanium, etc. Public education creates zombies that do not ask questions. Go against the "system" that the UN created via the USA government and you can end up in the federal 2 million forced labor camps (prisons)or loose your head.
WALMART started by telling everyone to BUY AMERICAN, while 80% of the products they sell are made in CHINA or elsewhere. WHEN your the head FARMER of the entire world, you have the POWER to control and run the show the way you please. CHINA was choosen to manufacture much of the world's products (4 now). The USA decided many years ago to take their tobacco to CHINA. The MASON WAY wants people to believe that countries do not like each other, this is an excuse for wars, while the opposite is the truths (mason way. Countries in the same mason UN all co-operate in population controls, even if the solution is wars to murder the excess populations. CHINA was into population controls long before many countries, to be born a baby girl is not good odds of survival!!!! BOYS make better slaves!!!!!!! Who knows, maybe CHINA is top dog in the mason system of world power. In the USA we are still told to be scared of CHINA, yet we are dependant upon China for most of our daily needs. MASON WAY 100% say one thing while doing the opposite.
When I was a child we milked cows, back then it was 100% controlled, "they" took x amount of $$$ from my Dad's milk check each month; this was used for false education about dairy products and enforcement $$$ to put small farmers like Arlie out of business.
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