Re: Two Tribes....One Forum by DBLC ..... Nutritional Balancing for Adrenal Fatigue
Date: 7/4/2013 8:29:44 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 3,730
I'll just chime in here since I'm the one talking about doing the interview with Wilson. My motivation is largely to address the concerns people are having with ARL protocols with the doctor creating the protocols.
I came into NB through ARL and knew nothing about TEI. I had some unfortunate experiences that my practitioner later admitted he didn't address with me and apologized, and then I was left on my own.
I talked with Rick, got on a TEI protocol, and had more questions - about diet, about thyroid and hormones, about peeing so much.
And then I talked to someone else. And someone else.
Until I found someone very thorough who is addressing all of my concerns and starting at the basic level of my digestion so that the supplements I do take (and she uses standard process) are being utilized by my body as well as the food I put into it.
From there, we will work on balancing some hormones.
This may not be a typical NB approach, but it is what resonates with me.
And I LOVE NB. I love this approach to health.
I used muscle testing for 3 years and had more results in 3 weeks on NB than I did with a chiropractor who was basically throwing a bunch of supplements at me with no idea of my real mineral levels or hidden metal toxicity.
I still can't do CEs.
But as we always say here *everyone is different*
My goal as a coach to people in burnout and using NB is to help them get better ... and what I observed coming into the NB community is some confusion, and some discouraged folks.
So my goal with the interviews is to talk to practitioners and learn about their philosophies, approaches, and address different topics with them as well as anyone who has seen positive results on NB.
For those who are getting negative results, my hope is that they will stick with it and a) get some of their concerns addressed b) keep looking to find a practitioner or approach (wilson or TEI) that works for them c) to be educated and informed -
This is an amazing place to be and at the cutting edge of health and healing.
Naturally there will be a difference of opinions, results, experiences.
I interviewed Pam Killeen and she admits that she is militant about her approach - so people can listen to her talk and find out if she is someone they may want to work with -
A little of knowing what you are getting into before you invest in any practitioner -
And, yes, one tribe - totally agreed.
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