poison ivy by brillo ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 6/17/2006 8:51:53 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 4,338
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=207703
greetings.. I got the dreaded poison ivy from a camping trip. Gosh I hate the stuff and am so allergic to it.. takes off like wild fire. I remember some posts a ways back about a plant that grows nearby it for treatment.. but I live in the SW not ohio. any ideas? last night I put a cotton pad with avc on it overnight.. burned like fire, but this am the blisters were just scabs.. so I guess I'll do the same with the new crop of blisters. I imediately bought some oranges and am going for another stat fast too. I ate some fat this am w/ breakfast.. but have been fatfree the rest of the day.. so I hope this rush job liver flush works ok to start things off. Yikes !!!congrats on the puppy MH bet the boys are having a blast with it!!
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