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Re: Anyone ever heard of CandElim? by FELIXTHECAT777 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   6/15/2013 5:36:20 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   25,620

I posted to this forum awhile back and now found this place again and have an update to something I found that did work but I didnt take it quite as I was supposed to so am going to do it again. Candida Cell Wall Suppressor is the name of it and can be ordered here:

This company also sells stuff to help with the die off and a bottle of stuff to replenish the flora
This stuff started working after 3 days and I even ate Sugar and other stuff while taking it. By the time I had finished the last run of the treatement i was completely free and thought even though I screwed up on the last week of the treatment that I would be okay but slowly mild sysmptoms have returned yet this stuff makes perfect sense but I do not think one treatment is enough if your as bad as I was. I also have to say it won't hurt to take some immune boosters such as Ginseng Extract,Green Tea extract, and any others that boost the immune system. This stuff worked better than anything I have ever tried and the only thing that completely cleared it up,just wish I would have followed the directions better. I think another thing is to start purchasing meat that comes from a person you can trust not to use Antibiotics on thier animals as the stupid gov made a law I think. We are getting sick as we have overused them but to put them in our food is just plain evil yet it is them who are called the elite doing this. Another thing is the GMO'S which I am curious if anyone knows if they can be contributing to this candida crap. If anyone has something else that works let me know as I will add that in with the next treatment of this when I get it.

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