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Re: On Day 12 Of ICU's Protocol, Confused/Have Questions by Lakegrrl ..... Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites

Date:   6/13/2013 11:37:05 AM ( 12 y ago)
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Thank you David for all of your input and suggestions. Suffice it to say that I am now more confused than ever. Here's why. I had my 2nd Epsom Salts bath last night, the 1st was using an Epsom Salt mix, (was all I could find, but there was some evidence that came off my skin, a few medium size white worms and a lot of small white ones) also some very big ones came to the surface of my skin looking like they wanted out, or were not happy, or both.

Using pure Epsom Salts resulted in so many white, whitish, translucent worms of all sizes coming off my skin that I literally had to take a shower to get the residue off. The bath water was full of so many I have never seen anything like it. It is like my skin is hardpacked together by worms. I soaked only as long as it took to wash entire self, afterwards I noticed that I was missing a couple of layers of skin where I thought I only had the pins and swelling....amazed that the salts can take that many off the skin...along with a major stinging area that will have to heal up some before another bath. I am waiting on an order of some of the suggested creams and such, which hopefully will help some of these type of symptoms.

On my face is where I see tissue breakdown of the tapes on the skin, they have thinned quite a bit in the lips but whenever I tug at lips to remove what looks like egg deposits my bottom lip does an involuntary quiver which I worry is filled with little ones that move. I have looked at so many photos to try and identify what is on the surface, dog tape, flat & pinworm are closest to the white ones that come off when they die, but I also have some kind of segmented worm that started as small round bumps packed together on/in my chin that got going when the pins did in my nose. They used to go through the mating, laying, hatching and larva being stuck on my face, that's when I came here and started the protocol for the ascarias after I took the CoQ10. The albendazole stopped those activities and has cleared my face better than it has been in 3 years.

As mentioned before, doing the protocol has indeed shown me that I do have multiple things going on as well as the last Epsom Salts experience!

So, questions for you should you want to answer : ) You suggest the prazi & daxon along with the herbs, is there a particular protocol to follow? I was not able to find one with these ingredients. Do you know if I can purchase the prazi & daxon online or somewhere that I don't need an rx script? I suppose I will have to do a time off to safeguard the liver? Will I have to continue to consume 40 grams of fat with each dose? I am already getting pudgy as do not usually eat this much fat. Are these to be taken in the same protocol? Do you know if it will kill off all adults and is this broad spectrum enough that doing a few rounds will expell every type of the worms? (Best guess)

It has also been said that the frex causes more problems than it helps, how do you feel about that? And when I looked at the frex link I was not sure if there was a program to download without purchasing the machine. Do you know if this is true?

Hope this wasn't too much information or too graphic in expression, I'm sorry it got so lengthy. If I've stepped on any toes or rules someone please inform me as I am still very new at the board and with what I am going through.

Thanks again David!

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