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Glycine for Sleep by HealthEnthusiast ..... Nutritional Balancing for Adrenal Fatigue

Date:   5/27/2013 7:38:21 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   8,961

I haven’t tried this yet, but I plan to. It looks promising.

From Dr. Jonathan Wright’s Nutrition & Healing Newsletter

… In 2007, a study was published that measured the effects of glycine on sleep quality and the common next-day symptoms often caused by lack of sleep.1 Objective measure­ment was done with a “polysom­nograph” (an electronic instrument very much like an electroencepha­logram or “EEG”) which measures brain waves during sleep.

Research volunteers (eight women, three men) were asked to take either 3000 milligrams of glycine or placebo before bedtime. The volunteers who had taken a glycine supplement fell asleep sig­nificantly quicker and entered into the “slow wave” sleep commonly called “deep sleep” significantly faster as well. The volunteers re­ported less daytime sleepiness and they improved their performance on memory recognition tasks.

In a prior randomized, placebo-controlled study, fifteen female volunteers with sleeping problems took either 3000 milligrams (3 grams) of glycine or a placebo be­fore bedtime.2 The next morning, they completed two standardized questionnaires (for the technically inclined, the “St. Mary’s Hospital Sleep Questionnaire and Space-Aeromedicine Fatigue Checklist”). The volunteers who took glycine had a significant improvement in fatigue, “liveliness and peppiness,” and “clear-headedness.” Although in this study the researchers did not “objectively” evaluate sleep itself, they assumed that with significantly less daytime fatigue, and improve­ment in the other parameters noted, the study participants who took the glycine must have slept better.

When they took into consid­eration the objectively measured changes during sleep as well as the subjective changes (improved daytime mental performance), the researchers concluded: “...glycine before bedtime seems to produce subjective and objective improve­ment of the sleep quality in a differ­ent way than traditional hypnotic drugs such as benzodiazepines.”…

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L-glycine has also been used to treat

hyperactivity and manic depression, and to prevent epileptic seizures. In addition to its soothing effect on the brain, exposure to this amino acid helps to calm the body's central nervous system. Supplements of l-glycine may be used to treat hyperactive disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in conjunction with traditional medicine.

Protein is essential to the body's muscle building and repair process, and protein-building amino acids can enhance the effects of vitamins and minerals. L-glycine is among the amino acids that provide the human body with the chemicals necessary to synthesize proteins, enzymes and hormones. These acids also directly affect the metabolic rate that is attained when an individual participates in strenuous physical activity.

For the majority of individuals, l-glycine is produced naturally in the body. Those with a low level of serine, another non-essential amino acid, may find that they need to increase their dietary intake of l-glycine through high-protein foods or supplements. Natural food sources include proteins like meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs, as well as a few plants and vegetables. Supplements are a good alternative for those who follow a vegetarian diet.

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A few positive iherb reviews:

The Ultimate Sleep Formula

due to various issues, I've spent decades searching for the perfect sleep. I've tried nearly everything. Most nutrients did very little, most medications left me feeling like a drugged-out zombie. That's not how I want to live, so I kept searching, until I stumbled onto this (in an Iherb review, no less): each evening at bedtime I take one teaspoon of glycine powder, a half-teaspoon of taurine powder, and a quarter teaspoon of Gaba powder(inhibitory neurotransmitters). I stir these into lukewarm water. They mix easily and completely, and the taste is mildly sweet. I take tryptophan and magnesium capsules at the same time. Within minutes a gentle sleep blanket comes over me. I then sleep 7-8 uninterrupted hours, and wake up refreshed and feeling great. My wife, who has always been a very light sleeper, and would be awakened by the slightest noise, reports that she sleeps more deeply and wakes up much less often. This combination really works! I believe that nutritional supplements saved my life. I've tried a lot of products, and I know what works and what doesn't. My reviews are honest, straighforward, and based on my experience. Read my other reviews to quickly learn from my three decades of research and experimentation.



Love the glass jar. Glycine increases bile flow and helps with food allergies/leaky gut tremendously. Even better if you take it in the evening, you get a good night's sleep


Great product

No fillers or stabilizers. Quick acting. Tastes great. Good for evening out my moods and calming my mind. If I take too much, it makes me feel a little flat--so I take it sparingly.

Glycine for a calm brain

I originally bought this for gall bladder problems, but it turns out to be a very effective natural sedative and gut healing nutrient. I sleep like a baby and you don't need all that much to get that effect.



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