Re: Low norepinephrine? by #155216 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 5/27/2013 4:32:02 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 15,689
I'm not blessed at all, and I've been where you are or maybe worse... completely bedridden, non-functional, vegetable.
Trust me I wanted western medicine to work, I went through all the rounds like a lot of you here are doing, hoping and praying that a magic pill will work out, but it never did for me.
I had terrible sleeping problems that drove me to anxiety attacks and complete adrenal crashes, I know the story very well.
One doctor even prescribed wellbutrin for me, but I didn't take it. I had previously tried prozac and it was a nightmare after 2 doses so I stopped. It took me years and years to figure all of this stuff out and in the end alternative medicine was it for me. And believe me I know that there are some ridiculously incompetent people in alternative medicine as well, people who can't even string words together to form a coherent sentence.
Things started happening for me when I had had enough of the allopathic nonsense and made the choice not to keep beating my head against that wall. And there is A LOT more information now on the net than when I disconnected from the medical farce, so it's easier because the info is out there, but harder because you have to wade through huge amounts of it.
Not being able to sleep is one of the worst torments someone can experience.
Yes, in retrospect all of the doctors I saw were in fact m*o*o*nic because for all of the training, peer-reviewed studies, all of the pomp and grandeur none of them seemed to understand some of the most basic things about anatomy (in practice) as it related to my situation.
I saw them turn a family member into a vegetable over the years by medicating her so much that she is unrecognizable physically and mentally.
Many of these psych meds are fluoride-based and will essentially calcify parts of your brain, so if you ever even get to the point where your body is ready to heal, it's like 1000x harder with your pineal gland calcified. Fluoride will make you dumber and dumber over time and that's one its least-harmful effects.
I'm not saying it's easy, especially now on curezone I'm seeing the general iq plummeting and people are giving out really bad advice, save for a limited few regulars.
Look at the success stories, most of them have a common thread that runs through them even if the particulars do vary like different diets.
Alternative and natural medicine encompasses a huge amount of knowledge. Broaden your horizons and keep reading. Or, if you really believe what you are saying then entrust yourself to the care of a good neurologist/neuropsychiatrist.
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