Inelia Benz: ECETI 2012 Global Transformation Conference

Chris Thomas wrote:
Quote It is not dreaming of the future that will slow down our change, it is refusing to let go of our past.

Quote Many have chosen not to undergo soul reintegration and that is a matter of a choice freely made by them as an individual. Nobody has stood and judged them, they have judged themselves and, for whatever personal reasons, have decided that they will not continue. As far as Mother Earth is concerned, that is fine; She wishes them well and hopes that they will find their completion when they are away from the Earth. And She is letting them go with Her love.

Quote The Earth's axis has already returned to vertical, in an energy sense: it now needs to follow the energy with the physical. This should be achieved [possibly quite soon].
Here's an interesting video of Inelia Benz, talking about the Shift, and what it entails.

If you go to the 30 min mark, you'll hear her talking about Gaia having "already shifted", and that she [Gaia] is waiting for the collective to "catch up".

Inelia is also suggesting that those people who have elected not to participate in the Shift will live out their lives on the planet without undue drama, over the next several decades, and then die.......leaving those who have embraced multi-dimension-ality to exist without imposed dualistic concepts of light versus dark....

This is also what Chris Thomas has suggested would be happening [in the last of his many books....."Synthesis".

