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Re: Immune restoration Th1/Th2 balance. by ericbakker ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   5/22/2013 3:47:39 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   5,727


The most damaging stress according to many papers I have studied on this topic is not in so much the acute alarm phase, it is the terminal (exhaustion) phase, and this is mainly due to the decreased output of the glucocorticioids as well as the resistance of cells to the effects of increasingly higher outputs of cortisol.

I am most fortunate to have the world's best stress mentor as my good friend, Dr. James Wilson, PhD, N.D, D.C. Doc Wilson did his thesis on the effects of stress on immunity, and just one aspect of this. Doc Wilson coined the phrase "adrenal fatigue" about twenty years ago, after much research and clinical practice involving over 35,000 patients. Once you understand this mechanism, you will understand why many folks with low-grade chronic and unremitting stress just never seem to shake their yeast infection. Inspite of ALL products,detoxification methods, IV treatments, whatever you want to throw at them. There is a good percentage that always seem to "almost" recover, only to drop back into their yeast infection once more. These are the folks who did not address their flagging adrenals, nor did they have a relationship with a practitioner who recognized this condition in their patient. It is both a tragedy and a shame that more docs don't fully understand the full significance of AF and candidiasis.


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