Could this be a worm? by grossedout2013 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 5/4/2013 11:57:04 PM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 868
I'm a little freaked out... Could I have worms?? I have a few of the symptoms such as bloating, constipation (like 4 days of it, than for 2 days everything was okay, but it's been 4 days again & nothing again except for the attached photo), very bad smelly gas & smelly stool. I'm always tired even if I sleep for 9 or 10 hours. I'm always hungry & gaining weight from that but don't have much energy.
I'm really embarrassed :(. I took some laxatives when I had the first 4 day constipation but didn't see any worms in my stool. However I've seen things in my stool before & just thought it was the mucous things. Now I'm thinking I may have had worms for a long time :(.
The photo... May be hard to see cause the worm (or whatever it is) was kinda clearish. It was all clumpe together but using a qtip i spread it out & it stayed all together like a long string.
Help :(
I can't figure how to link my photos on here, I just uploaded 3.
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