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Problems cleaning my digestive tract by Danny75 ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   5/1/2013 1:25:40 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   3,139


I know people are different in things, but is it normal to spend over 6,5 hours to clean your digestive system using laxatives?
This morning I started for the first time with "Shank Prakshalana" This is an Vedic way to clean the whole digestive tract from mouth to the end station :)
But, it is said to use warm water with salt followed by yoga exercises. I started drinking at 07.00 in the morning and around 11.00 there was still nothing except for one time.
Then I realized that I still had some Epsom Salts left and started to use that.
This was helpful and kick started the diarrhea but like one time before this cleanse, it does not go very well. I mean, I do not finish clean enough, and my belly remains a lot of water.
Could it be that there is some type of blockage somewhere?
Gas, constipation?
Around 18.30, I went again and suddenly the result was less clean stool then earlier.
So it must be something but what? I do feel that when I massage my belly around the navel, it is hard and a bit painful. ( maybe normal?)
I started with Sea Salt yesterday, and then followed with epsom.
Even back in 2010 I had all the symptoms of candida and still now I have some.
Could it be an obstruction of mucoide plaque in the small or big intestine?

Sorry for any mistype or bad language, English is not my native language, so sometimes I type things wrong or do not quite understand what is said.

Please put in your experiences with laxatives, with constipation, and mucoide plaque


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